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EIC form

Why do you think on the EIC form it has boxes to check depending on what you do with your dog?
For example, conformation, field, agility, et. al
Why would this information matter to them? and do you think it might influence the test results in any way?
I hope the test is strictly based on DNA and not swayed by other information given.

Re: EIC form

It's a DNA test, what you put in any box should not influence the result you receive.

My guess is that it is for research purposes. As the test is run at the university where the mutation was discovered.

If you look at the FAQ section:

You'll see that they have questions discussing different lines of dogs, as well as percentages of collapsing dogs from different categories. That info has to come from somewhere!

Re: EIC form

I should think that info is used for statistical purposes.

Re: EIC form

I am amazed at thought processes at times. In know way is a DNA test of any variety swayed by questions. Indeed it is only for stat purposes. Rest assured at whatever status your dogs come back as has nothing to do with what you do with them. The test is very reliable in what it tells you and as a screening tool to help you make better educated decisions as needed.

Re: EIC form

Why do you think on the EIC form it has boxes to check depending on what you do with your dog?
For example, conformation, field, agility, et. al
Why would this information matter to them? and do you think it might influence the test results in any way?
I hope the test is strictly based on DNA and not swayed by other information given.

Not sure what you mean?
DNA Form

Re: EIC form

Talk is about the submission form from the lab that developed the test, at the U of Minn.