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I am waiting on thyroid test results for one of my girls. Does anyone recall what the normal range of # 's are for T3 & both T4's? TIA.

Re: Thyroid

T4 should be between 1.7 and 3.6
Free T4 - 8 to 33
Endogenous TSH - 0.1 to 0.4

Re: Thyroid

Huge Thanks.

Re: Thyroid

I think the reference range depends on the lab your vet uses. I just had a full CBC with a Free T4 and for the T4 the reference range is 1.0-4.0 and the Free T4 reference range is 8-40.

Re: Thyroid

Hi Sharon~ Depends on what lab is used. They'll be different. You should receive a norm range and if you don't, ask for one.