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Punc Cataracts

Hello I am in the process of possibly getting a stud dog and wondering if anyone has had a CERF pass a dog with Punc. Anterior Cortex with Significance unknown marked? Never had this before and CERF will not give me an answer, unless I send the original form in which I do NOT have. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Punc Cataracts

I know for a fact, Posterior won't pass. I think Anterior does. Ridiculous why one does , the other does not.

Re: Punc Cataracts

My opthomologist will not tell me whether or not they will pass (then again, I have only had normals) he said that they are only supposed to report the findings. (ARRGH) What am I supposed to do?? I called the vet that did the exam at a CERF clinic and the receptionist said that is needs to be marked normal in order for CERF to issue a certificate (and I know that is NOT true) as you wouldn't get a normal mark with a punc. cataract. You would have one issued with a breeder option. So does anyone know how to find out for sure if this will pass as is more than likely the breeder will NOT send in the original form.

Re: Punc Cataracts

I believe they will pass it. If you call Cerf they will answer your question.

Re: Punc Cataracts

I did call them and they said they cannot answer any questions over the phone and they had to have the original certificate (which I don't have as I am potentially purchasing him and don't have the form). I gave them EXACTLY what it was and they said they cannot diagnose over the phone and would have to have the original CERF form sent in. I already have the diagnosis, just need to know if CERF would send a certificate for a LAB with this diagnosis or would he fail?? According to the seller, the vet said it was okay, but I cannot rely on that.

Re: Punc Cataracts

I have a stud dog with punctate cateracts and I do have a CERF number, but under breeder option is says E1 which is Cataract significance unknown. My eye vet said that it is fine to breed him, they don't know why he has the cataract, it could be an injury.

Re: Punc Cataracts

I would think before you'd be purchasing a dog for breeding, you'd want a CERF on them. The breeder selling him to you should have sent this in or supply his ACVO form so you can send that in and I would certainly want to know the status before hand.