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Messed up progesterone test?

I had blood drawn for a progesterone test on Monday morning and was supposed to get results back today. Just got a call from the Vet saying "sorry but the blood didn't go out yesterday so they sent it out today". We will have results tomorrow. It is looking like this may be the only progesterone test we get in before the breeding so my question is - will the test results still be accurate if the blood sat overnight before being sent? I thought I had heard that this would skew the results. Advice would be much appreciated. TIA

Re: Messed up progesterone test?

I would get her in asap tomorrow more for blood tests, and do a vaginal smear as well. The vaginal smear you can get the results within the hour, so you will know what stage she is at. And make sure they get the blood out the same day. Tell them the circumstances.

Re: Messed up progesterone test?

It would depend on if your vet handled the blood properly from the start. This means collecting in a red top, let it sit for 10 minutes (not 5 minutes, not 15 minutes) and spin it to separate the serum. I would be going for another test immediately, and I would be telling everyone in the office to make sure the serum goes out on the next pickup. I would do a smear too.

Re: Messed up progesterone test?

What does the "smear" tell you? I have never done that.
Also, what is the highest number prog. you would still breed at or, what is the cut-off (where you feel it is too late)
thank you

Re: Messed up progesterone test?

The "smear" tells you at what % her cells are cornified, which correlates to the stage she is at in her cycle.

Re: Messed up progesterone test?

We just got results back yesterday on our girl that she was a on day 11. No previous prog. tests. So I am assuming that she ovulated Sunday. I took her to a local vet just to have the blood drawn and when he called me with the results he said, "sorry I think you missed her this time, it's much too late. Urghhh so frustrating not dealing with your own vet. So I went into my vet and she did a collection and A.I and said the timing is perfect. She has done many breedings when bitches were a 28 ng. the day later and the results were big litters! Here's hoping we have buns in the oven.

Re: Messed up progesterone test?

At 19 she should be prime IMO. I bred a bitch at 17 and she had 12.