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OK I know that everybody is waiting for news on Potomac, but I need some inputs from people who have time :)
The thing is that my bitch is due to whelp any time now... her temp dropped down to 98.6 yesterday evening. She is still pretty quiet and nothing is happening yet. She is not having any contractions and no pushing... should I be worried that since it´s already been 16 hrs since her temp dropped and nothing is starting to happen yet??
Any input would be appreciated!

Re: Whelping?

If she has shown no signs of labor yet, my gut says she's not ready. I think they say that labor typically starts within 24 hr of the temp drop. It will also bounce up and down before it drops fully. If her water hasn't broken, no signs of contractions, I would just give nature it's time. Be ready, be watchful, but until she seems distressed, there is no point in stressing her out.

Re: Whelping?

Hopefully she will whelp today. However, I would check with your vet about his/her availability for the next 24 hours. If there will be a long period during which a vet you trust is not going to be available for an emergency C-section, I would consider scheduling one before that period is due to start. Some considerations- how may puppies? Small litters often require C-sections because the puppies don't produce enough hormones to cause uterine contractions. How old is she? I had an older bitch with 12 puppies that never went into labor. I would have lost some if I had waited much longer and probably ended up with an emergency C-section. You might consider doing a progesterone test if you have a vet that can do one in-house. The level should drop to below 2 before a C-section is done.

Re: Whelping?

Take her out for a good walk, this sometimes starts things when they are almost ready to go. Note that some dogs temps bounce a lot before whelping. I certainly wouldn't start worrying at this point. All the best for you and your girl.

Also, she needs a quiet area to relax and needs to see you calm and available. I have a very busy household, my dogs always start to whelp right around 4pm when I am done homeschooling, kids are at work or outside and I am quietly preparing supper. They just relax then and know I'm available. Every litter I've had starts whelp right then. In other breeder's homes, whelping consistently starts at bedtime - dogs know the family schedule when all is quiet and the one they are bonded most to is available.

Re: Whelping?

Thank you guy´s for all your help!!
She is 2 year old and this is her first litter. She is at the moment sound a sleep at my feet... I noticed a clear fluid much more like waterish fluid rather than mucus fluid coming from her... but it was not much... very little just some drop´s on the floor and maybe a bit more than that but not a big puddle.

I´m just going to let her sleep and watch her..

Re: Whelping?

One other thing you'll usually notice a few hours before whelping they'll really start "working" on their whelping area, digging, rearranging, general restless. When this begins, I don't leave home for more than 20 min or so because labor is imminent.

Re: Whelping?

Another thing, 1st babies whether it be dogs or humans statistically come a little later than subsequent births. If I were you, I'd follow the other poster's advice and make sure you have a contact number for over the weekend and give vet a heads up. I'd give it until tomorrow at noon and then call the vet again if whelping has not started by then. All the best.

Re: Whelping?

Does not sound to me like she's had a temp drop and her behavior does not seem like it's time for her yet.... mine usually go well below 98 some to 97 and they get restless and start peeing and pooping and digging alot...keep temping her for her real drop.