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Potomac Winner's Dog

Winners Dog is Moonlit's Drum Roll from 9-12 black dogs to finish his championship!

Congrats, Susan Bennington and handler Jen Howard!!

Reserve is Fortune's Feet Don't Fail me Now, also from 9-12 black dogs!

Congrats to all in the line up, and the breeders who bred them! :)

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Yes MAJOR congrats to Susan for breeding such a lovely young dog who is just 10 months old and finshed with 5 MAJORS! What a wonderful way to finish.

"Ringo" carries on the family tradition as his grandma "Rah Rah" won at the Potomac a few years back.

What an awesome line up of dogs. I will be posting a few photos of the winner's class on my Facebook page soon.

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Wow! That is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations!!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

HUGE HUGE Contrats!!! Ringo is absolutely stunning. I saw his photo last night on facebook and thought, WOW oh WOW that dog is amazing, I'm thrilled to hear he went Winners Dog and so very happy for you Susan, I hope you float on that Cloud 9 for a very very long time!!!!

Also big Congrats to all the other winners :)

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Thank you, Carrie, for posting the results for those of us who can't be there! Much appreciated!

Congrats to all of the winners!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Congrats from the "Baby Daddy" Nat and Kudos to Susan who selected her stud dog, whelped and raised the litter and then graded her own litter selecting Ringo and his equally beautiful sister Tabu. Also congrats to Rusty and Ken who confirmed her selection and then presented both dogs beautifully. Way to go Jen. Also congrats to Leta in Texas who bred the mother of this young dog. Wow it takes a village, doesn't it.
Congrats also to Mary and Fabian-beautiful bitch in great condition and perfectly presented.

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

WOW what an awesome dog!!!!!!!!!! He´s just stunning young boy and he sure has a bright future!! Congratulations to all winners at Potomac!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

WOW!!! What a win and what a day. Congratulations Susan on breeding such a lovely boy.

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Congrats to all!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Your 1/2 sissy Natalie sends HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is a beautiful boy!!! What a future this boy has!!! Everyone involved deserves KUDOS!!! My hat is off to you all!!!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Nat is an awesome producer! Nice breeding, Becky!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Congratulations! what nice wins for winners dog and reserve winners! Kudos to the whole village

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Congrats to Susan for WD and Elizabeth for RWD! Quite an accomplishment from the puppy classes!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Congratulations to all involved!!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

[ Wow it takes a village, doesn't it.

Thank you Judy for that reminder!! That is SO true... Huge congrats to all those involved including the wonderful Hyspire Gang who own that amazing "Baby Daddy"

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Congratulations, Susan Bennington and handler Jen Howard!! What a wonderful puppy.
Congratulations to all the winners.

Congratulations, Susan! .....

Wow ... Just WOW!

Re: Congratulations, Susan! .....

WOW, CONGRATS to all, awesome news!!!!!!! I can't wait to see this handsome boy in the flesh. Susan, I think I heard your cries of joy in Virginia. Wish I was there to see it, HUGE CONGRATS!

Re: Congratulations, Susan! .....

Congrats to Jim and Elizabeth too for RWD at Potomac! Way to go, such a handsome boy.

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Congratulations, Susan - what a memorable, wonderful win! I could just kick myself for not making it this year so I could have seen the look on your face - I just trust someone got a good pic; I'm sure it was priceless!

Ringo - you go boy!

Congratulations also to Jim and Elizabeth for their nice RWD, again from the 9-12 Puppy Dog - what a day for the youngsters!!!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

WOOHOOOOO! So excited for you Susan!!!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Spectacular Win for 10 month old Ringo! WD Potomac 2010. Big Congrats Susan and he deserves a Steak tonight. Maybe Rusty and Jen need Lobster or Steak too.

As the Breeder of Ringo's mother beautiful Chanel, I am honored and proud to see what she has produced from my chocolate foundation. Chanel is from my Megan and the late Dickendall's Anslo. Yes, it takes a Village. Congrats to Becky and the Hyspire Team on Beautiful Nat and to Kendall, and Gladys Rogers on the Dams side.

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

What a handsome young boy! Congratulations!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Congratulations; Susan Bennington, Moonlit; co-owners The Howards and pro-handler Jen Howard!

Once again, congratulations to all of the village. :-)

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

You know, the more I watch the success that people in this sport have who come into it with equestrian backgrounds the more I regret not having one myself! I think it trains the eye and develops an instinct somehow. I know Susan has it (I believe she jumped a Bold Forbes son), Becky Jack has it, Linda Vaughn has it, I could go on - but the point is these people just seem to "know" who to add to the "village" to make this stuff happen. Hats off to all of them - they deserve all of the "luck" they make for themselves!

"Man, luck's got nothin' to do with it - I just work my fingers off." - B.B. King

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

A Village is strong and grows if it has a strong foundation set forth by their predecessors. It only flourishes and is not a matter of Luck or a Good eye but what has been set forth. Its just that many breeders like you have named have strong foundations to work with.

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Congratulations to my friend Susan Bennington, Moonlit Labradors, and her lovely boy Ringo for taking WD out of the 9 - 12 month puppy class. Ringo looked beautiful and is a super quality boy. I am looking forward to seeing him mature and hope
to see him one day compete with the big boys in BOB. I know you have worked very hard at breeding good labradors and I am thrilled for you and wish you continued success for many, many years to come.

Oh, I forgot to mention a long standing Potomac tradition where the WD's breeder has to sing a song at the bar on Thursday night the following year. Better start looking through sheet music now Susan

Congratulations to everyone who won or took class placements! It was a pleasure to see your dogs.

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

This puppy took my breath away in the classes...Congratulations Susan for breeding such a beautiful boy, as well as co-owners Rusty & Jen! Fantastic job handling Jen :)

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

This puppy took my breath away in the classes...Congratulations Susan for breeding such a beautiful boy, as well as co-owners Rusty & Jen! Fantastic job handling Jen :)

I just saw your post. Shannon, do you handle & own labradors? I've seen you at a couple of all breed shows. I'm looking for a handler for 2 younger labs ATM. If so, I will email you privately. Thanks!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Yes she does and she does it quite well too!!

Under 10 years
This puppy took my breath away in the classes...Congratulations Susan for breeding such a beautiful boy, as well as co-owners Rusty & Jen! Fantastic job handling Jen :)

I just saw your post. Shannon, do you handle & own labradors? I've seen you at a couple of all breed shows. I'm looking for a handler for 2 younger labs ATM. If so, I will email you privately. Thanks!

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Under 10 years
This puppy took my breath away in the classes...Congratulations Susan for breeding such a beautiful boy, as well as co-owners Rusty & Jen! Fantastic job handling Jen :)

I just saw your post. Shannon, do you handle & own labradors? I've seen you at a couple of all breed shows. I'm looking for a handler for 2 younger labs ATM. If so, I will email you privately. Thanks!

Yes I do (Thank You "a fan"!)

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Under 10 years
co-owners Rusty & Jen! Fantastic job handling Jen :)

I just saw your post. Shannon, do you handle & own labradors? I've seen you at a couple of all breed shows. I'm looking for a handler for 2 younger labs ATM. If so, I will email you privately. Thanks!

Yes I do (Thank You "a fan"!)

Thank you both. A fan is worth their weight in gold and gold is expensive today.

I'll be in touch this week Shannon. I'm looking forward to speaking with you.

Re: Potomac Winner's Dog

Shannon rocks!! A great handler, lover of dogs and a wonderful person.