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Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

I finally got my girl Maggie pg, on ultrasound at 5 weeks we saw 2 puppies, this morning she started having a black discharge, hauled her off to the vet they did a ultrasound and still two live pups in there, she is 12 days away from the first day she can have the puppies and have live ones.... i've had her on cephalexin since the day she came into heat and the vet told me to add amoxi to that anyone ever had this happen and still have live puppies... he mentioned it might be a pyometra but said the discharge looks alot like what they have after the birth of a pup he did do a culture and sent it off but that needs to be grown and will take days to come back... any advise or help is much appreciated... I am so sad about this as this is the fourth time i've tried to have pups with her since she had the litter at Joans two years ago and I have no Maggie offspring :{

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

When you bred her did you use progesterone testing? Is there a possibility that the 12 days may actually be an incorrect date by a few days?
Can you give us the numbers/dates, breeding date and what you calculated to be her due date? Maybe we can help with something .... anything.

Just know that there are hundreds, probably thousands, of us here feeling your pain and holding our breath with you.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

I used to have a girl, who had 2 litters for me; both times she'd have the blackish discharge a few days before whelping ( don't remember how long exactly ), and when she had the babies, the black discharge was from a small,dead/mummified puppy.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Jackie, have you checked every nook and cranny around your house for a pup? You said your Vet said it looked like it might be from having a pup? Have you checked the due dates carefully? Keeping you in my thoughts for some healthy pups.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

you can keep a pregnant girl on cephalexin through out her whole pregnancy and it is safe?
I am holding positive thoughts for those two live puppies ...I know what it feels like to have your hopes up-please let us know how she does.
I agree with above poster-please look around....

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Yes I did progestrone, this breeding was done surgical implant using fresh chilled semen, her progestrone was
done in feb on the 22nd it was 1.5, 24th 3.8, the 26th 5.0, implant was done on march 1st and another AI done on march 3rd. She sleeps in one room and could not have gotten out of there and there is no dead puppy there and there is no way she is due now as we calculated the date of whelping from the progrestrone tests.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

The only time I've heard of that color discharge is from placental detachment. :-( I hope that isn't the case and she does not go into labor.

Maybe that's a 3-rd pup that was partially re-absorbed earlier and the cefalexin is ridding her of it now?

Good thoughts to you & Maggie Jackie. I hope you have live pups out of her.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

thank you so much justme... the discharge seems to have slowed down dunno if that is a good or bad to the discharge color usually it is green for detachment...the black normally comes after the birth of a pup

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

I was hoping you did a "toss 'em in the backyard" type breeding and maybe your dates were wrong. Since you're right on with your dates then I'm hoping Justme's thought is right and all will be well.

Please keep us posted over the next couple weeks.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Thank you Cathy, guess u don't know me but i've been breeding for 30 years now and always do progestrone and almost always fly in semen to breed my dogs as not many good studs here on the islands...

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!


Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Sounds like you have a girl who doesn't maintain her progesterone levels. You need to test at 45 day, 50,55,days to make sure she is high enough to maintain pregnancy. If she drops below 5, she will start losing pups. If she gets to 2 she will go into premature labor. The reason why I give these specific days to test is that you need one day to get results, then you can give natural progesterone in oil- your vet can get the compounding from Dr.Hutchison. You then test three days later to see if it is holding. So if you test every 5 days from day 45, you will be able to catch a drop in time to give her a shot- it is given intramuscularly. You cannot give the shot within 7 days of whelping or her milk won't come down, so if the last test is on day 55, you may give a shot on day 56 and then you'll be good to go. The antibiotics really won't change things much, it's a hormone thing that maintains pregnancy.
You also need a good repro vet for this girl.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Well considering we don't have any good reproductive vets here in Hawaii and I can't drive to another state I have to go with what we have here.... I do have a call in to Dr. Greene at Northview as Hutch won't be back till monday... I did consider that her progestrone might not have been maintained... will see what Greene has to say tommorrow morning. Thanks for the advise

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Good luck- hope all goes well.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Thank you very much we can use all the prayers we can get.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Add my prayers to your list. Please stay in touch and let us know how mom and babies are doing. Hugs to you! Hang in there.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Premature placental seperation? That is the only time I have seen what you describe. I wish you luck
and I will pray for you, your girl and her babies.
Keep us posted.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Jackie.. it does sound like placental detachment either by dead fetus or dropped progesterone. I hope she holds off for you~ I've never experienced this in a lab bitch ever but did in my beautiful papillon bitch. After monitoring prog. the 2nd time, she still did it at the same time your bitch is doing this and I said no more and had her spayed. Upon spay time, it was found her uterus was a friable one which explained the problem and why she couldn't go to full term.

If your bitch has had one die off, I hope she can hold off for you and deliver the two live ones. All my best~

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Prayers headed your way. Please keep us posted when yoy have time.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Thank you all so very much for the kind words and advise, I will keep you all posted she now has 11 more days to go, we should get the results of the progestrone that was done today tommorrow, I just don't know what i'm hoping for. She had one litter at Joan McInnis's two years ago 8 puppies and no problems so i'm hoping it isn't her uterus.

Re: Pregnant bitch having black discharge HELP!!!!

Since you can't do anything until Monday, Give her carrots. It is known to help keep progesterone levels. A couple of good size carrots/day. It wouldn't hurt. Good luck. Prays go your gay.