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Newbie question Potomac

How do most breeders get their dogs to the Potomac if they live in the west coast and they don't drive an RV?

Do they ship the dogs?

I wanna go next year but can't figure how to get my boy there???

Re: Newbie question Potomac

We drive them!

Re: Newbie question Potomac

Or you can fly with them.

Re: Newbie question Potomac

We drive them!

You have the big beautiful motor home, most of us don't have that.

Re: Newbie question Potomac

hehehe.. guess they haven't seen your minivan and uhaul cargo, huh, Jan?

sorry , couldn't resist~

Re: Newbie question Potomac

If you are talking about one boy, why would you need an RV? With one dog, you could drive any vehicle. Not really sure what you are asking. Drive him here in whatever vehicle you have.

Re: Newbie question Potomac

We drive them!

You have the big beautiful motor home, most of us don't have that.

Your question seems strange. Fly or drive. What other answers would you expect? Most that drive do not have motor homes. Many that do have motor homes don't bring them. What answers are you looking for? Either ship them by plane or drive them in your car or van or whatever you have. If you want an answer to what most people do, most drive. Hyspire's make the trip every year and they do not bring a motor home.

Re: Newbie question Potomac

If you are talking about one boy, why would you need an RV? With one dog, you could drive any vehicle. Not really sure what you are asking. Drive him here in whatever vehicle you have.

Criticism is back. Are you whining because a puppy beat all of your dogs? What's the problem? The poster asked a question, answer it or don't. What's the big deal? West to east coast is far and not everyone knows how to handle it obviously.

I can't take the accusing crap on here all the time.

Re: Newbie question Potomac

You can fly your dog, with you as baggage, on American for $150 each way, providing your dog is under 100lbs. If your dog is over that weight, you will have to use Delta Dash or Continental to ship your dog cargo.
You can always drive across the country, which a lot of people do, coming from California. If you have friends driving, you can also ask them if they have room to drive your dog (if you are flying) and pay them to do so. A lot of people do that, if they are able.

Re: Newbie question Potomac

For goodness sakes!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are talking about one boy, why would you need an RV? With one dog, you could drive any vehicle. Not really sure what you are asking. Drive him here in whatever vehicle you have.

Criticism is back. Are you whining because a puppy beat all of your dogs? What's the problem? The poster asked a question, answer it or don't. What's the big deal? West to east coast is far and not everyone knows how to handle it obviously.

I can't take the accusing crap on here all the time.

Huh?? This remark has nothing to do with the post you responded to? What the heck are you talking about? A puppy did beat all my dogs. I had no dogs entered? What is accusing about this response??

Re: Newbie question Potomac

When we attend, we will be driving and we live on the west coast. Right now we only have a truck (and I am NOT taking that lol), but we plan to buy a nice sized van for travel to shows. We will only be taking between 2 to 3 dogs when we get to go to Potomac !

Re: Newbie question Potomac

For goodness sakes!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are talking about one boy, why would you need an RV? With one dog, you could drive any vehicle. Not really sure what you are asking. Drive him here in whatever vehicle you have.

Criticism is back. Are you whining because a puppy beat all of your dogs? What's the problem? The poster asked a question, answer it or don't. What's the big deal? West to east coast is far and not everyone knows how to handle it obviously.

I can't take the accusing crap on here all the time.

Huh?? This remark has nothing to do with the post you responded to? What the heck are you talking about? A puppy did beat all my dogs. I had no dogs entered? What is accusing about this response??

You are all just as nasty as you accuse others from the southeastern states are. It has been quiet on here while you were all at the potomac. Now we know who all the nasties really are that are posting on here.

How dissapointing

Re: Newbie question Potomac

I sold my RV )- ;

I now drive a van with 4 dogs in it and pull a van. We stop in Texas for DFW It is a 4-5 day drive. You see lots of pretty country and hopefully some good friends

Re: Newbie question Potomac

For goodness sakes!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are talking about one boy, why would you need an RV? With one dog, you could drive any vehicle. Not really sure what you are asking. Drive him here in whatever vehicle you have.

Criticism is back. Are you whining because a puppy beat all of your dogs? What's the problem? The poster asked a question, answer it or don't. What's the big deal? West to east coast is far and not everyone knows how to handle it obviously.

I can't take the accusing crap on here all the time.

Huh?? This remark has nothing to do with the post you responded to? What the heck are you talking about? A puppy did beat all my dogs. I had no dogs entered? What is accusing about this response??

You are all just as nasty as you accuse others from the southeastern states are. It has been quiet on here while you were all at the potomac. Now we know who all the nasties really are that are posting on here.

How dissapointing

I am reading this thread trying to find the nastiness you all are complaining about. The thing that looks the nastiest to me is the OP's response to Jan about her having a motor home. Is that the nasty part you are talking about? Because I would like to think that the OP did not intend for it to sound nasty. Also, the most nasty responses I see are the ones that are complaining about the nastiness. Very strange thread.

Re: Newbie question Potomac

I sold my RV )- ;

I now drive a van with 4 dogs in it and pull a van. We stop in Texas for DFW It is a 4-5 day drive. You see lots of pretty country and hopefully some good friends

Thank you for the nice answers.
I meant no disrespect to Jan but most of us don't have what she used to have :)but these are some great things to think about.

Re: Newbie question Potomac

Is the 100# including crate or dog alone?

Re: Newbie question Potomac

Just wondering?????
Is the 100# including crate or dog alone?

Total weight.

Re: Newbie question Potomac

Yes, total weight (dog + crate = 100lbs). If your dog fits in a 400 vari kennel, you are most likely safe with American. Most male Labs require a 500 vari kennel, which will NOT fit thru the cargo doors on American MD-80 or S-80 planes. The 500 will fit on a 737 or 747 plane. You have to make sure of the size of the plane before booking your flight w/a dog!!!
I have a lot of experience flying with dogs, feel free to email me privately if you'd like!

Re: Newbie question Potomac

The nasty was fly or drive. No real help at all for someone new. The cost, crate size, etc. told the person alot. Even with a couple of dogs yes, it can be a long drive but dogs would be fine in your own SUV. Help others or just keep all that knowledge you have in your own head.

Re: Newbie question Potomac

--I meant no disrespect to Jan but most of us don't have what she used to have :)but these are some great things to think about.--

No disrespect taken! Let me tell you, it was much easier and more comfortable to travel in the RV rather than the van and the U-haul! I want my RV back!!!!!!

But if you do not have an RV, the U-haul works. I just have my labs, maybe a husband and an ice cooler full of drinks in the van. Everything else goes in the U-haul. I take in a small overnight bag, a couple of crates for the less well behaved dogs, dogs and me, of course, into the hotel each night. Oops, forgot the wine! Easy.

The hard part comes when you get their. The host hotel does not have an elevator and hauling all that junk upstairs is not easy! But I manage, cause I LOVE it!

Hope to see you at the big P next year with your U-haul.
