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Potomac official photographer - not?

Who was supposed to be taking photos of the class winners, etc. at Potomac? I thought it was Elizabeth, but if it was she was nowhere to be found most of the time. Did anyone manage to get their important class wins - or better - taken? I was really disappointed.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

Nope couldnt find her and the judge at the same time!
And you had to pay ahead at the show for the photos according to someone I talked to.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

Elisabeth was working hard and available throughout the entire show (whenever the judges had time). She even went so far as to drive to Home Depot herself to buy the sheets of lattice for the backdrop when the fire marshall wouldn't allow the straw bales. She worked for hours each day after judging and once the judges were available and of course you already knew that. Actually, the photo she showed me of my dog is the best I've ever had from a show. Yes, it was pay in advance but she had it stated right there on her signage. If you didn't want to pay in advance, then don't take the photo.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

Why not include YOUR name? Betsy was on the grounds and available 24/7 from Tuesday until Saturday.
You will not find a better, more talented and capable photographer. She is also one of the nicest people you will ever meet.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

She even went so far as to drive to Home Depot herself to buy the sheets of lattice for the backdrop when the fire marshall wouldn't allow the straw bales.

Now that is over the top! Not allowing a bale of straw, OUTSIDE and away from the tents. Sounds like some petty local governmental bureuacrat was on a power trip!!!

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

I thought she took her time to get the best possible picture. She is very talented and I am sure you will like your pictures when they arrive! Hats off to a job well done!

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

I emailed her on Sunday morning , as I had not attended the show, and she got back to me about my picture of my puppy in 5 minutes. I've seen her work, she is outstanding.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

The chief ring steward made several announcements each day about when the judges and photographer would be available. I waited in a line for pictures and saw people taking pictures quite frequently. No problems here

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

It didn't take long for the critics to get on here and embarrass themselves did it? Theres always a few that constantly condemn whenever they get an opportunity. At least wait until you see the photos for petes sake.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

I also heard the announcements & saw Betsy with camera in hand all the days. Her work is stunning and I'm sure those who had their pictures done will not be disappointed

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

Dear Uh Uh...
There was an opportunity to receive a significant discount if you paid upfront. It was not mandatory.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

I am NOT accustom to paying for show photos in advance. I did not like doing it but I was forced to in order to get my win photo. I was not at the show to view the digital photo on scene.
Yes, I did get a discount but if the photo is garbage it was a waste of money. Even though it was a discounted, $25 is still allot of money!
I would be very unhappy if the PLRC uses her again.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

Wow, so quick to assume the photo will be garbage - not very nice. I am sure if you hate it, Elizabeth would consider returning your money. I would rather have a photographer that KNOWS where the tail should be, CARES where the tail should be and takes much extra effort to get just the right shot.

It is easy to see from your post that your glass is always half empty.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

Having had WIN photos taken at Potomac in the past , both were less than desirable. One , I was unable to even beleive it was my dog. And they were $40 each. This is not a hobby for pinching pennies, get over yourself. There were several photographers on the grounds , you could have easily asked for a prefessional photo from one of them ,of your dog, and paid their $50 sitting fee ! Amazed at your complaint of a lousy $25 ! Here's an idea, STAY HOME !

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

I have paid upfront for photos at several specialties, it is no big deal. Betsy worked really hard and takes wonderful pictures, she really is a perfectionist. All you had to do was to pay before Saturday, if you didn't have your wallet right there at the time the picture was taken, you could have come back with the money later. Her prices were excellent, I think she should have charged more

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

Waited forever....
Who was supposed to be taking photos of the class winners, etc. at Potomac? I thought it was Elizabeth, but if it was she was nowhere to be found most of the time. Did anyone manage to get their important class wins - or better - taken? I was really disappointed.

I was not disappointed with Betsy's work or constant availability. I also saw her available 24-7 and I had no problem getting my photographs done.

*If* there were screw-ups by someone, it was *not* her fault! She was available every minute of the day.

When you people that are complaining get your quality photographs, I think you'll be eating your words.

Speak to the horses head, not the horses ass.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

For everyone complaining about the quality of work, why dont you hire someone that you approve of and get them to travel and follow you around waiting to take pictures?

I also think that those complaining probably just need something to complain about because of how great the show was. It just couldnt have possibly gone just fine!

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

For everyone complaining about the quality of work, why dont you hire someone that you approve of and get them to travel and follow you around waiting to take pictures?

I also think that those complaining probably just need something to complain about because of how great the show was. It just couldnt have possibly gone just fine!

Excellent post! Can you imagine the cost of what you suggested?

There are many ungrateful people out there. You're right, they need something to bitch about. I think they're unhappy without complaining.

If a mere $25 is too much, can you imagine how much bitching they would do having a personal photographer that gets $500 to $1,000 or more daily?

A great photography job by Miss Arellano! I watched her several times and was impressed and saw that camera in hand all the time.

A photo speaks a thousand words, you people that are complaining better post when you're happy with your photographs too. If the big Texas breeders were happy with her work then why are a couple of Potomac breeders mouthing off before they recieve their photographs?

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

I only wish I had a placement, but didn't. I saw the photographer everywhere. Even saw her late into the evening still taking pictures....She worked hard.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

then DON'T come to Canada to show and get a photograph because they are ALL pay in advance and they are twice as much at $50 EACH.

I have one with kichen staff walking in the background, and an overflowing garbage can....

This sounds like a personal vendetta especially since you were not even at the show.

I was there and too saw Betsy working hard each and every day. As has already been said, it was announced over the loud speaker when the judge was available for pictures.

I think it is very rude of you to trash someone and their photos before you even see them.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

In Canada, I know for a fact that some photographers like Alex Smith and Denise will not make you pay prior to getting your photos, you see your photo on the screen and you have the right to take another one at no extra cost. As long as you are happy. If you are happy, you then can pay while they print it off for you on the spot.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

There are many ungrateful people out there. You're right, they need something to bitch about. I think they're unhappy without complaining.

You've got that right. A few years ago I went to Potomac and took a photo of every dog that was in for BOB. I then edited and uploaded all the photos, said who the dog was if I could tell, and told people where they could go to see the pictures. I wasn't selling anything, just trying to help people feel like they were there.

A lot of people were appreciative and thanked me. I was completely amazed though, at some of the rude messages I got from people because they didn't like the photo, I misidentified their dog, etc. Some people just aren't happy unless they're miserable.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

I hear you Karlene, I have loads of Potomac pictures that I would like to share, but I have had a similar experience as you.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

When I was getting a pic with my girl, Betsy took her time to make sure the dog was set up to its best advantage and that she captured its tail even tho it was wagging. As we know, the hardest part of the show is the show photo! I look forward to receiving it.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

Betsy was there all day, everyday. At 7PM when we were going out to dinner on Friday night, she was still there at the show grounds taking pictures. From what I heard from one of the judges, she was still there Saturday morning taking photos.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

Waited forever....
Who was supposed to be taking photos of the class winners, etc. at Potomac? I thought it was Elizabeth, but if it was she was nowhere to be found most of the time. Did anyone manage to get their important class wins - or better - taken? I was really disappointed.

Are you happy now that you made a big ass out of yourself?

If you're reading this Bets, take it from where it's coming, a big ass. That's the 1st time I've cursed on this list!

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

There will always be a few Bit*hers no matter what you do. Some people just thrive on it. We all know Betsy gave 110%. Your complaining ain't flying here!

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

My photos have made magazine covers and Club calendars, but I woud travel many hours for a photo of one of my dogs by Betsy. Her work is outstanding! Unfortunately, the Atlantic is a big Pond...

Betsy, just keep on - you're good!

Re: Potomac official photographer-not?

I was not able to get photos of some of my dogs either and I went over to the photographer a number of times. One of the times, the photographer was busy shooting OB photos and told me she could not do mine then, another time the judge was too tired, then the next day I could not find the judge, and the other two times, I'm not sure where the photographer was - maybe taking shots of something going on in the ring - parade of title holders or some such. Anyway, I did not have luck catching the photographer or judge. The photographer had her hands full, that is for sure. I do not fault her. When I was standing in line waiting for one shot I was able to get, it was obvious to me that she knew what she was doing too so I'm sure her photographs are quite nice. As far as the payment of the photos- that was a bit awkward as most of us don't carry money on our persons when we are showing. I also don't buy a photo until I have seen them so "tumbnails" posted on her web site probably would have been the a more user friendly way to handle the ordering. It's usually the way most photographers these days, handle digital photo ordering. It also gives you a chance to see all the photos taken so you can order the images you like best. I'm abt to buy more then one image if I can view them all or even order a photo of a dog that is not mine but that I admire. The photographer in the end has more of an opportunity to make additional money for themselves.
What might have helped too, and should be considered for future years, is to add another photographer. A show that size could use two photographers. Potomac is the size of most all breed show's entire entry and those shows usually have two photographers running about shooting win shots.
So considering the load of dogs that needed photos, I think things went pretty smoothly.
.... from a photographers point of view.

Re: Potomac official photographer-not?

Along with being a talened photographer, Betsy is a very ethical person. She feels it is not right to post dog photos on the internet that the owners have not approved.

With the size of the show, there will be problems,but I bet many of you will get the best show photo you have had in a long time.

Re: Potomac official photographer-not?

Two photographers won't help when the judge is busy elsewhere. Maybe the last day it may help for a while when the show is over and all judges are available, but for a Photographer to show up for a few photos the last day isn't very lucrative for him or her. Considering expenses just to get there and stay there, it would be a total financial loss for him or her. Potomac has never had the show photographer that showed thumbnails beforehand (that I can remember). It is the way of the future and a process that is gaining popularity but many times folks don't buy the photo even if they like it.

Re: Potomac official photographer-not?

I think Betsy did a great job keeping up; consider the size of the show and the work load she had! Hopefully she will do the photos next year and everyone will know what to expect and bring a check/cash. (You could have brought the check to her later and it wasn't a problem) You will see the quality of her work is superb.
Also, would't it be nice if people were a little less critical???

Re: Potomac official photographer-not?

Along with being a talened photographer, Betsy is a very ethical person. She feels it is not right to post dog photos on the internet that the owners have not approved.

With the size of the show, there will be problems,but I bet many of you will get the best show photo you have had in a long time.

Thank you for your input Kendall. I think Betsy did a great job. I agree with you, it's going to be the best show photographs many have had in a long time.

Maybe your input will put an end to the bashing of Betsy who is a very professional photographer. She's also adorable and dogs love her making the photo even easier at times. She can manipulate in ways other photographers can't or don't.

Thank you Betsy for a fine job!

Re: Potomac official photographer-not?

I met Betsy for the first time. She was a real sweetheart and I am looking forward to seeing her picture. We didn't wait in line very long considering it was such a big show. Good job :)

Re: Potomac official photographer-not?

Thumbs up!
I think Betsy did a great job keeping up; consider the size of the show and the work load she had! Hopefully she will do the photos next year and everyone will know what to expect and bring a check/cash. (You could have brought the check to her later and it wasn't a problem) You will see the quality of her work is superb.
Also, would't it be nice if people were a little less critical???

I hope she will want to do next year after the complainers on the board. I am quite serious. Who would want to come back when people are complaining as soon as they get home before they see a photograph?

This thought went thru my head when I saw the 1st 2 posts. I sure hope I'm wrong.

Miss Betsy, you did a wonderful job.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

I am NOT accustom to paying for show photos in advance. I did not like doing it but I was forced to in order to get my win photo. I was not at the show to view the digital photo on scene.
Yes, I did get a discount but if the photo is garbage it was a waste of money. Even though it was a discounted, $25 is still allot of money!
I would be very unhappy if the PLRC uses her again.

I am sorry that you are displeased with my photography protocol. I am a perfectionist and photos DO NOT go out unless they are fully edited. I take pride in my photos and my work. From start to finish a single win photo can take up to 2 hours. First is taking the photo itself which especially for wiggly puppies as yours was, photos take up to 5 min to set up and then looking at the time stamps on your photos, 10 minutes to take. Then I have to upload and then back up to ensure that photos are safe. Then I must go through and delete the images that are not quite right. Then I narrow down the ones that are the "keepers" and choose the best of those. I then get to work on editing the image (color, sharpening, cropping, etc). Finally, I must upload to my print lab, pay for the photos, have them come in the mail the next day, clear bag the photos for protection, label the packaging, seal it and take it to the post office. For this process, I am charging just $25. Especially at Potomac where there are many many dogs needing to have photos taken, if I take your photo and you don't pay, you have wasted my time as well as taken the opportunity for getting a photo by another competitor. The $25 that you pay does not even begin to cover my expenses for going to the show (flight & hotel), my camera expenses (camera, lenses, cards, batteries, tripod, backups), computer equipment (hard drives for backup, software to edit, etc), signage and frame for your win photo, backdrop that I had to purchase myself and get during Wednesday photos as a last minute change in plans due to the Fire Marshall, and lastly, my time to answer complaints before photos are even edited and sent out. Just as with any litter that you never really make money on, my love of photography is what drives me to do it and I only seek to try and cover my costs.

I was honored to be asked to do this job and asked for input from many long time exhibitors, breeders, and photographers before setting my pricing as well as my protocol. After much discussion with Laura Reich, Kendall Herr, and others, I came up with my protocol of paying by the end of the show for a reduced rate. After little discussion, the idea of posting photos on my website was nixed as I am a firm believer in the owner having the right to display (or not) an image of their dog for the world to see. That is not my decision as a photographer. Should you like my photo of the dog and want to share it, I have made that easy by including a complimentary web quality image. If I were to show photos on a website, you would have paid a sitting fee before you stepped foot in front of my camera.

If someone truly does not like their photo, they are free to return it to me (this is outlined in your receipt when you receive your photo) and I will gladly return the price you paid minus a sitting fee of $18. ($10 for my time, and $8 for printing, packaging, labeling, & postage). I am sorry that you are not accustomed to purchasing a photo prior to viewing it as well as felt the need to proclaim it anonymously on the Forum before you ever received your images. As a competitor, I have yet to receive a show photo that I was not expected to pay for and at one of the most recent shows I attended, I was expected to pay ($30 cash or check) as soon as the photo was taken. If you would like, I will refund your $25 and not have to edit your photo. I know I cannot please everyone and if refunding your money would make you happy, I'd be happy to do so. If you would like for me to edit your photo (which are edited in the order they were taken) you can send a check in the mail.

I am available through e-mail or phone (listed on my website) should anyone have any questions or complaints.


Elizabeth "Betsy" Arellano

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

Betsy, I think $25- is obsurdly cheap for your work!

I believe the year I attended, photos were $40- and when I received it, not only was I unhappy, but it had been printed twice and I was expected to pay for the second copy too.

And for the Canadian exhibitor who said that Alex's photos aren't pay first...have you seen them? Had a black dog photographed? Seen the angle the photo was taken on screen and wondered what the heck they were thinking? Paid and printed the same day and realized that your black outfit and dog were the same shade of green? The photos are horrible! And yes $50! Alex is only one photographer, any given weekend there are others who are just as crappy! Not even the same universe as a true photographer that you are paying $25 to capture a memory in style!

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

I also want to thank all those who have supported me and my work, here and privately. I really do appreciate it.

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

And now because of some sour old bitty we all have to wait a little longer because Betsy needed to come on here and defend herself. There are always a few that feel the need to spoil it for the rest. Betsy, take your time and do your magic, your effort and work is appreciated.

It is wonderful to finally see this forum pull together to support someone. And so to the unhappy original poster that couldn't wait to see her pictures to decide she is unhappy, as Glinda would say, "Be Gone! Before Someone Drops A House On You, Too!"

Re: Potomac official photographer - not?

The 1st two posters were the problem. I wish the thread was removed immediately such as others are when they call, crying to Jill that someone *might* be talking about them.

Betsy, I'm sorry you went through this. It sucks. Go back to your work, stay calm and know we all know you work is beautiful and we were happy with what you did.