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More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

I just received an email tonight from InGen that I thought I would share with the forum. By the way this is my first post, so it enraged me enough to write. I am a simple person that feels I know sound business practices. Why does Rick want to tell us the entire history of his business and problems? At this point do we care? No Rick, we don’t care. The only things we care about are as follows:

1. Our tests are ACCURATE
2. Our tests are TIMELY.

InGen in the last year has failed on both accounts. What we want Rick is to know when the accurate tests will be delivered. I think at this point with the current backlog you owe everyone an individualized email that states when they can expect to receive the results. No one cares if you are under staffed. It takes a real leader to step up when times get tough and unfortunately today they are few and far between. Rick/InGen if you cannot make this happen, please stop spamming me! I have written my 6 month old tests off and have already spent my money with your competitor.

Below is the email received from InGen

Dear Valued InGen Customer:

Many of you have been following InGen on our Facebook page. I regret to inform you that we have been forced to remove that page due to abuse. Yes, we are having some problems and delays in getting many results processed and completing our obligations. But some of the outrageous comments and accusations that have emanated from this page are beyond decency. I have tolerated some of these comments for the last several months because I truly wanted a place where our customers could vent their frustrations. And many of these frustrations are valid and legitimate. But recent, unfounded accusations have been beyond the pale and I will not tolerate this further.

We have legitimate reasons for being late in our processing. Please visit this link (Click here for more information) where I have compiled a comprehensive history of InGen that may give you some insight in the issues we are facing.

I am very sorry for the delays in processing some of you are experiencing with us. Please know we are doing everything in our power to process our large backlog of tests and get InGen to where it is fulfilling test obligations in a timely fashion. I will be emailing status reports on a regular basis in the future to let you know where we are.

Thank you for your patience & understanding.

Rick Dobbins, GM

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

I ordered a test from Optigen during their 25% special. I received my results via email one week from their receipt of the blood.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

Can I cross post this document to the FB InGen Customer Experience Forum? I think it would be important for InGen customers to have this information.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

It is on Ingen's website

Under "click here for more information"

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

Found it, thank you.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

Look. . . I, too, am waiting for results from Ingen. We ALL used this company for one reason, to save money. There are so many tests that as breeders we feel we need to do to guarantee the health of our puppies. It has become really expensive to do all of them. It's too bad that Optigen has a monopoly on PRA testing. It's not good for anyone if there is no competition.
With that said, the company ran into problems. Either Ingen will work them out or they will go out of business. It's that simple. Either we will lose our money or we won't. It's disappointing. But, I am tired of hearing about it because even with a class action suit, if they go bankrupt, you and I will not get a penny back and any money gained will go straight into a lawyer's pocket.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

Well said!

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

Look. . . I, too, am waiting for results from Ingen. We ALL used this company for one reason, to save money. There are so many tests that as breeders we feel we need to do to guarantee the health of our puppies. It has become really expensive to do all of them. It's too bad that Optigen has a monopoly on PRA testing. It's not good for anyone if there is no competition.
With that said, the company ran into problems. Either Ingen will work them out or they will go out of business. It's that simple. Either we will lose our money or we won't. It's disappointing. But, I am tired of hearing about it because even with a class action suit, if they go bankrupt, you and I will not get a penny back and any money gained will go straight into a lawyer's pocket.

Optigen deserves to have a monopoly on PRA testing. They took the risk, they did the research, they spent the money. Why should they give up their rights to it? As time goes by, there will be other options. But for now, let Optigen make their money. They deserve it.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

Look. . . I, too, am waiting for results from Ingen. We ALL used this company for one reason, to save money. There are so many tests that as breeders we feel we need to do to guarantee the health of our puppies. It has become really expensive to do all of them. It's too bad that Optigen has a monopoly on PRA testing. It's not good for anyone if there is no competition.
With that said, the company ran into problems. Either Ingen will work them out or they will go out of business. It's that simple. Either we will lose our money or we won't. It's disappointing. But, I am tired of hearing about it because even with a class action suit, if they go bankrupt, you and I will not get a penny back and any money gained will go straight into a lawyer's pocket.

I'm still waiting for 1 result and I have 5 kits siting here that I could use on other five dogs. The truth is that I don't know I can trust the results if I decide to send the kits to Ingen.
I did use the first ones to save some money. At this point, I think I lost all the money I gave them.
It is a shame, but it is the risk I took using them.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

We ALL used this company for one reason, to save money.

Many, many of us avoided this company for the very reasons that are now being lamented so loudly. When you use the word "ALL", remember that it only includes those who were eager to save a buck and didn't value the legitimacy, accuracy or timliness of the results. Perhaps in the future some of those included in your "ALL" comment will be more careful about how they choose to cut corners with their breeding.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

I read what was on the Ingen facebook. There were two people having different results? Please, if you were involved years ago with Optigen on their promises, they to screwed up on results. When testing of a different breed of dog. Some of the breeders, got rid of their dogs, because the results showed they were carriers. Guess what, Optigen made a mistake, didn't find the correct marker and had to redo all the dogs that were B's at that time. So, at that time, we were all very upset with Optigen.
I'm not defending Rick at all, but he did explain what happened.
As far as EIC, there have been many topics on this very forum about what people think about their testing their dogs and people not trusting the test.
I hope that Rick gets everything under control and we get our results back. You have to put some trust in these companys, what else do we have

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

I know there is a period of time during which the original developer of a drug has exclusive rights. After that, other pharmaceutical companies can make and sell generic versions. Does this apply to the Optigen test too?

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

I read what was on the Ingen facebook. There were two people having different results? Please, if you were involved years ago with Optigen on their promises, they to screwed up on results. When testing of a different breed of dog. Some of the breeders, got rid of their dogs, because the results showed they were carriers. Guess what, Optigen made a mistake, didn't find the correct marker and had to redo all the dogs that were B's at that time. So, at that time, we were all very upset with Optigen.
I'm not defending Rick at all, but he did explain what happened.
As far as EIC, there have been many topics on this very forum about what people think about their testing their dogs and people not trusting the test.
I hope that Rick gets everything under control and we get our results back. You have to put some trust in these companys, what else do we have

Anyone who got rid of a dog based on Optigen results, whether the old or new test, was not paying attention. Optigen is a test that makes it so no dog has to be left out of a breeding program, based on PRA status. It is not intended to make you get rid of your dogs. If those people placed dogs based on results, then they were not using optigen for its intended purpose. They made the bad decisions.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

They beleived the test to be absolute at the time, that is what they were told. It was when Optigen first started selling this genetic testing. I agree with you on what your saying and at the time, thought these people to be foolish. But, that doesn't change the fact that Optigen screwed up. This was at the beginning of testing with Optigen, so, we are so fast to judge Ingen, they too have run into problems. I'm a very patient person, so I am willing to wait. I hope that Rick, doesn't make me eat my words

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

They beleived the test to be absolute at the time, that is what they were told. It was when Optigen first started selling this genetic testing. I agree with you on what your saying and at the time, thought these people to be foolish. But, that doesn't change the fact that Optigen screwed up. This was at the beginning of testing with Optigen, so, we are so fast to judge Ingen, they too have run into problems. I'm a very patient person, so I am willing to wait. I hope that Rick, doesn't make me eat my words

But even if they believed it to be absolute, the people that placed their breeding stock based on the results have only themselves to blame.
I wouldn't trust Ingen. Their problems are not the same as the problems that Optigen had. Ingen is basically stealing people's money.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

Some of the breeders, got rid of their dogs, because the results showed they were carriers. Guess what, Optigen made a mistake, didn't find the correct marker and had to redo all the dogs that were B's at that time. So, at that time, we were all very upset with Optigen.

I wasn't upset with Optigen because my dog came back a B. I was upset that one of my dogs came back a C and was told by stud owners that there was no way they would breed that bitch. I was urged to spay her and place her.

I held onto her and a year later I received a certificate that she and the other bitch I had tested which had been classified as a B, were indeed both Normal.

That's why some of us were upset with Optigen. Plus they promised us the test would be a certain price and many of us had sticker shock when the test was released and realized they hadn't told us the truth.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

This breed was not a labrador.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

Some of the breeders, got rid of their dogs, because the results showed they were carriers. Guess what, Optigen made a mistake, didn't find the correct marker and had to redo all the dogs that were B's at that time. So, at that time, we were all very upset with Optigen.

I wasn't upset with Optigen because my dog came back a B. I was upset that one of my dogs came back a C and was told by stud owners that there was no way they would breed that bitch. I was urged to spay her and place her.

I held onto her and a year later I received a certificate that she and the other bitch I had tested which had been classified as a B, were indeed both Normal.

That's why some of us were upset with Optigen. Plus they promised us the test would be a certain price and many of us had sticker shock when the test was released and realized they hadn't told us the truth.

I couldn't agree more! They made mistakes, they lied to us, and they continue to do so. Lets hope Ingen gets their act together.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

I used Ingen and have not received my results. I did move on and test elsewhere. If Ingen ever gets it's act together I will have tested twice and hopefully results will be compatible. If thy aren't I may be compelled to test again. Whatever I do I am doing it in the hope that I am doing my part to clear my breeding stock of some of the heritable setbacks that have plagued this breed. This is an endeavor that we can not put a price tag on and hopefully companies like Rick's Ingen will continue to perfect testing applications and be able to make them available to those of us that care to use them.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

Lisa Allen.
I used Ingen and have not received my results. I did move on and test elsewhere. If Ingen ever gets it's act together I will have tested twice and hopefully results will be compatible. If thy aren't I may be compelled to test again. Whatever I do I am doing it in the hope that I am doing my part to clear my breeding stock of some of the heritable setbacks that have plagued this breed. This is an endeavor that we can not put a price tag on and hopefully companies like Rick's Ingen will continue to perfect testing applications and be able to make them available to those of us that care to use them.

How can InGen perfect testing applications when they're not even doing the testing????

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

With all of the problems originally with Optigen's 1st test and now INGEN's lies, can I ask *why* everyone is so trusting of EIC testing thru the University or DDC?

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

Apples and oranges!

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

you might as well get rid of any stud dog that comes back a B, no one will use him no matter how good he is or what he has accomplished.
I know of 2 champion dogs with all clearences, but are B's.
they cant give stud service away :O( so sad


Anyone who got rid of a dog based on Optigen results, whether the old or new test, was not paying attention. Optigen is a test that makes it so no dog has to be left out of a breeding program, based on PRA status. It is not intended to make you get rid of your dogs. If those people placed dogs based on results, then they were not using optigen for its intended purpose. They made the bad decisions.[/quote]

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

you might as well get rid of any stud dog that comes back a B, no one will use him

Wait a minute. I used an Optigen B stud, and a lot of other people did too. Methinks maybe the dog you are talking about is not that stellar.

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

Top-winning stud dogs don't have any have any trouble attracting breedings though they might be a B! If a dog has much to contribute, using him on A bitches is what the test is all about!

Re: More InGen Excuses (Rick Please Read!)

The problems with Optigen's marker test was a lack of understanding and misuse of the test by breeders. Optigen never said it was accurate - it used a marker only. There are those who still want to demonize Optigen because of their own application of a preliminary test. The final mutation test has been used with accuracy for over 5 years.

Ingen has no investment in research or history of technical excellence and quality control. The company was formed to MARKET services developed and performed by others. It's sole purpose was to make money. Those who trusted people who illegally marketed "stolen" research to save a buck got what they deserved. All con games depend upon the motivation of larceny by the mark - Ingen was no exception.

The EIC test was developed over a period of more than a decade by dedicated, experienced researchers. The University of Minnesota and DDC are both respected DNA processing facilities. There is no basis for comparison of ANY of these tests or providers. It is like complaining about the lettuce in a salad because you bit into a rotten tomato