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Digging after litter?

My girl had a c-section, a singleton, on Friday (16th). She started panting and temp dropped on the Wednesday late in the night. Her panting quit Thursday night - and we went in for heartbeat check Friday morning. all was good- but pup was in the birth canal and slightly twisted. So we opted for c-section because she wasn't pushing or trying to push, and her water had broke.
In any case...she never used to dig , and just 3 days prior to her having this pup, she naturally started nesting and digging.
Now...she won't stop! Only outside though, she doesn't mess up the whelping box. Any thoughts? She has transitioned into motherhood quite easily and is a great mom with her daughter. This was her first litter. she's bullheaded when she goes straight to any spot to start. Not the same spot all the time.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Re: Digging after litter?

All very normal behavior. She is trying to hide her baby from any predators. Cover her whelping box with big tarp and give her privacy. Take her out to potty on a leash. Best of luck with your singleton, they are so much fun!

Re: Digging after litter?

it does make sense..only the digging is always when we go outside. She's calm when she's in with her puppy, and frantic trying to dig whether or not she's on a leash. I can take her in the vehicle with me to go for a small ride though, and she's extremely calm. Just when she hits the grass or dirt she's digging.

Re: Digging after litter?

Give her some calcium supplement daily, this will decrease the digging and any "wierd" behavior.

Re: Digging after litter?

Give her some calcium supplement daily, this will decrease the digging and any "wierd" behavior.

Ditto on this. Calcium worked for my girl.

Re: Digging after litter?

My girls do this with every litter. Even a week or two after delivery. Very normal.

Re: Digging after litter?

Thanks everyone. I was doing the cottage cheese and yogurt with her but will continue the calcium - especially if some have had this go on for more than just a few days. Every litter is definately i've not experienced this with my other girls in the past. Nesting just before yes, but not continuance of it after.
Appreciate the feedback.

Re: Digging after litter?

A friend of mine had a girl who acted like this for a while after whelping 3 pups but would also try to move the pups to the new "dens" she'd created. I think it was only with this litter and never again with the other 2 litters she had.

Re: Digging after litter?

Hi Tina: My Kayla dug for a few a few weeks after her section, over time it gradually just fizzled out. She'll be ok........

Re: Digging after litter?

Linda...does Snoopy just have that effect on the girls?? He is making them crazy in love! :-)

She seems better so far today, but still waiting for that chance i'm sure. I've never met a dog that doesn't like cottage cheese though! Actually, she's turned her nose up a few times with her food. And she is a chow hound normally.

She's a great mom, and she has a very peaceful room, with no concerns over us visiting in there. she's not protective, but she's aware of where her "Solo" is at all times. Yet she does seem to want to be with the other dogs too.

Thanks again everyone.

Re: Digging after litter?

I feel your pain. My girls delivered on April 1, and April 16. I just got through brushing all of the sand off of both of them so they could go back inside to the whelping boxes without making a terrible sandy mess. Now I need to go out and fill in the hole to China in the back yard.

Re: Digging after litter?


I'll tell Snoop-doggy that these girls dig him. *S*

Re: Digging after litter?

My girls always dig after whelping....some more than others. I have a three week old litter and the mom still heads for the bushes to dig when I take her out !! I think it is normal !!

Re: Digging after litter?- now itchy???

So my girl will be day 7 tomorrow from her c-section. Last night..she started biting around her vulva..both sides of it - wasn't shaved directly there. Still has winter coat, but it's not coming out on it's own.

She's not comfortable, and is very itchy. rubbing up against the walls, and cowering to lay down antsy to get to the itch. Her one eye is watering. She's not experienced any allergies in the past - but it extremely itchy. She's on the end of the course of Amoxicillan sent home from vets. Resumed yogurt with her when the digging wasn't subsiding - so out of 7 days, 5 have been with calcium.

Anything i can give her with her nursing pup? any relief that would topical for her sides of her vulva - she's making it red, and balding there with her biting. no fleas, no ticks no bugs. would benedryl be safe with a nursing pup?

Pup is doing wonderfully. Born on the 16th - at 1 lb 1 oz, and now 2 lbs 15 oz. She's definately enjoying the milkbar by herself - and is very strong, getting her back legs under her and moving around all over.

Thoughts would be appreciated. Never dealt with an extremely itchy momma and want her comfortable so she can lay with her pup with ease.

Re: Digging after litter?- now itchy???

Tina @ Tyric
So my girl will be day 7 tomorrow from her c-section. Last night..she started biting around her vulva..both sides of it - wasn't shaved directly there. Still has winter coat, but it's not coming out on it's own.

She's not comfortable, and is very itchy. rubbing up against the walls, and cowering to lay down antsy to get to the itch. Her one eye is watering. She's not experienced any allergies in the past - but it extremely itchy. She's on the end of the course of Amoxicillan sent home from vets. Resumed yogurt with her when the digging wasn't subsiding - so out of 7 days, 5 have been with calcium.

Anything i can give her with her nursing pup? any relief that would topical for her sides of her vulva - she's making it red, and balding there with her biting. no fleas, no ticks no bugs. would benedryl be safe with a nursing pup?

Pup is doing wonderfully. Born on the 16th - at 1 lb 1 oz, and now 2 lbs 15 oz. She's definately enjoying the milkbar by herself - and is very strong, getting her back legs under her and moving around all over.

Thoughts would be appreciated. Never dealt with an extremely itchy momma and want her comfortable so she can lay with her pup with ease.

Try benebac and continue the yogurt. She might be a little yeasty from the antibiotic. I would avoid the benedryl unless your vet tells you to use it. Dogs histamines are different than peoples.