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Thyroid problem?

hello everyone,

I've got a bitch who, before her first season(a couple of months ago) was energetic and very lively.During her season i had to cut back on food as she was suddenly gaining weight and having diarhia ,as all settled and she is now ''over it all''she is calmer ,sweeter and she tires out more easily .We do love her more now as she's become so sweet but i have a bad feeling about her tiring out so fast.I went to vet and she told me to give her a month and we're going back the 3rd of May for a blood test .Would anyone like to share their experience with thyroid or changes after a season please?Greatly appreciated thanks!!!

Re: Thyroid problem?

What do you mean she "tires out" more easily? Does she want to continue with say retrieving but can't - she just lies down panting like mad or does she simply quit and lie down or wander off to take it easy? If she is simply acting more lazy then I personally wouldn't worry.

I gave my brother a puppy and at about 2 1/2 years old he called me to tell me his vet thought he had a thyroid issue - one level was borderline and the way the dog was "acting" indicated a problem. How was he acting? More lazy. Well the dog was neutered at 2 years old, a week later they lost their 13 year old yellow male and now the younger dog was alone, and he had gained 10 lbs after being neutered. Hmmmmm. A more extensive thyroid panel revealed no problems there - just a change in hormones and lifestyle for the dog.

Re: Thyroid problem?

Sharon,she doesn't lie down and pant like crazy,she goes off to sniff or just be with one off the kids.I have a three year old that she follows around all the time and she loves to chase the cat.But i do miss the none stop retrieving we used to have!!She drinks a lot too .Thanks.

Re: Thyroid problem?

You are describing some of the symptoms of diabetes. Several blood sugar checks at times prescribed by the vet would be a good start for ruling out this metabolic disorder. Quite a few bitches have "gestational diabetes" during pregnancy. Since estrus can set off these metabolic changes, her heat cycle may have triggered a problem.

Re: Thyroid problem?

If you are worried, just do the full blood panels and the thyroid test. I had to do it the other day for one of my dogs. We thought a dog got into weed killer due to vomiting grass (though she wasn't allowed in the area until 48 hrs PAST spraying and the bottle said once dry it wasn't poisonous anymore, but I wasn't willing to risk it) and both blood tests came back perfect but shocker, she had a low thyroid. There were no signs for that, but we decided we might as well check everything...and we had never checked before.

Re: Thyroid problem?

weed killer will suppress the thyroid

Re: Thyroid problem?

Drinking a lot and fatigue are never normal. I would not think of a hypothyroid dog, but rather a dog with a metabolic problem. Diabetes, liver disease, and kidney disease would be on the short list.
Panting is not a sign of hypotyroidism (low thyroid) but panting can be pain, acidosis, diabetes, or some other disease process. I am not diagnosing or prognosing, but it sounds like there is something going on that needs your attention. How old is she?
Get your dog in for a workup including blood testing soon, don't delay. Please let us know what is going on?