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MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

This Sunday at Duke Island Park, Bridgewater, New Jersey. Entries from 9:00 to 10:00 AM.
Confirmation starts at 10:15 AM.
Confirmation - Puppy & Adult Classes
Puppy Sweepstakes to follow after confirmation classes

Obedience & Rally starts at 10:15 AM.
Sporting Breeds Only

More info:

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

We're entered in Rally already. Question- should I be worried that I didn't get anything in the mail yet? I sent in our entry back in March.

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

It might look a bit more professional if a person advertising in public for a dog show (or match in this case) actually KNEW how to spell the most important part of the whole advertisement!! CONFORMATION
Geez people!! This is not rocket science and it truly concerns me that my fellow breeders do not even care enough to spell the word right.

This coming Sunday
This Sunday at Duke Island Park, Bridgewater, New Jersey. Entries from 9:00 to 10:00 AM.
Confirmation starts at 10:15 AM.
Confirmation - Puppy & Adult Classes
Puppy Sweepstakes to follow after confirmation classes

Obedience & Rally starts at 10:15 AM.
Sporting Breeds Only

More info:

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

I thought it was some sort of religious ceremony for the dogs!

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Not spelling a work correctly does not make you an ass, but it seems like knowing just might! That is one of those words that is not spelled correctly on a regular basis! Who did not REALLY know what the OP
was saying? Dang folks!

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Is it too much to ask people to have a little self respect? Know how to spell simple words used in dog showing and breeding? Use spell checking? Get someone to proofread if you aren't sure about it or you know you don't spell well? If you don't want to make the effort and you are just representing yourself that's ok with me. It just makes it look like you don't care. But to represent a club and misspell the event - that's unprofessional and embarrassing.

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Eye Roller
Is it too much to ask people to have a little self respect? Know how to spell simple words used in dog showing and breeding? Use spell checking? Get someone to proofread if you aren't sure about it or you know you don't spell well? If you don't want to make the effort and you are just representing yourself that's ok with me. It just makes it look like you don't care. But to represent a club and misspell the event - that's unprofessional and embarrassing.

Well some people are in a hurry, some are dyslexic, some are poor typists, but all are human and make mistakes for various reasons. Those of you who don't suffer any human frailties or ever make any type of mistakes, will just have to learn to be less critical or simply get over yourselves; whichever comes first.

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Eye Roller
Is it too much to ask people to have a little self respect? Know how to spell simple words used in dog showing and breeding? Use spell checking? Get someone to proofread if you aren't sure about it or you know you don't spell well? If you don't want to make the effort and you are just representing yourself that's ok with me. It just makes it look like you don't care. But to represent a club and misspell the event - that's unprofessional and embarrassing.

If you really want to be critical, I think the phrase "self-respect", like the phrase "self-righteous", is supposed to be hyphenated. Perhaps you should take your own advice?

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Eye Roller:

And maybe you should also use complete sentences if you are going to nitpick others.

Honestly, there are other things in this world that we should worry about, other than one "freeking" spelling mistake.

Tell me you dont make mistakes. I wont believe you, because you are making a mistake in thinking you never make them.

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Ahhhhhhh....that's *freaking*.....sorry, couldn't help myself.

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Yep, and it's "don't" and "won't." Oh brother, I guess it's clear that YOU make mistakes - we've just pointed out three of them!

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Nice catch - See if you all are paying attention.

I don't care if I make mistakes, I am not afraid to admit them. It is how everyone learns and grows.


Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

I thought it was some sort of religious ceremony for the dogs!

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

We don't care how it was spelt, we understood. Get a life, spelling police. Go teach school, there are plenty of kids who need it.

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ


Well some people are in a hurry, some are dyslexic, some are poor typists, but all are human and make mistakes for various reasons. Those of you who don't suffer any human frailties or ever make any type of mistakes, will just have to learn to be less critical or simply get over yourselves; whichever comes first.

It's not about being perfect, it's about being too lazy to bother with spell checking or any of the other options available. Your post says something about you. Poor spelling says you can't be bothered with getting the details right.

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Breeder too
We don't care how it was spelt, we understood. Get a life, spelling police. Go teach school, there are plenty of kids who need it.

"Spelt"?! Ha ha ha!!! Is someone baking bread? No? Oh, that would be "spelled" then...

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Breeder too
We don't care how it was spelt, we understood. Get a life, spelling police. Go teach school, there are plenty of kids who need it.

FYI - "spelt" is a species of wheat. The correct word is "spelled." What a bitter irony that you misspelled "spelled!" Apparently, there are plenty of adults who need school, too.

past and past participle of SPELL.

Actually, SPELT: is correct usage, English, the past and past participle of SPELL. It is a more UK usage, or an old usage, but it is correctly spelled and used--go look it up, it is probably in the OED. I can't believe this thread. CONFIRMATION would have passed spell checking programs, but not a crack human proofreader. It doesn't matter.
MJLRC is going to have a great time at the match, hopefully without the nasty people. If you and your dogs have brains and good dispositions, come over to the obedience and rally rings, too!

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Breeder too
We don't care how it was spelt, we understood. Get a life, spelling police. Go teach school, there are plenty of kids who need it.

FYI - "spelt" is a species of wheat. The correct word is "spelled." What a bitter irony that you misspelled "spelled!" Apparently, there are plenty of adults who need school, too.

You can't trust a teacher to spell correctly either. Don't forget the whole Dan Quail "Potatoe" debacle. Quail got blamed for the misspelling, but it was actually the teacher that made up the cards and spelled it wrong.

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Lazy Bones

Well some people are in a hurry, some are dyslexic, some are poor typists, but all are human and make mistakes for various reasons. Those of you who don't suffer any human frailties or ever make any type of mistakes, will just have to learn to be less critical or simply get over yourselves; whichever comes first.

It's not about being perfect, it's about being too lazy to bother with spell checking or any of the other options available. Your post says something about you. Poor spelling says you can't be bothered with getting the details right.

"Confirmation" passes spell check. It would not pick up the error.

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ


"Confirmation" passes spell check. It would not pick up the error.

"spell checking or any of the other options available"

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Now,I think you children need to go and get your blankie and take a nap. All of you young and upcoming ones need to learn that everything is not perfect in this world. Do you know what a Stop sign is for?? Ellie

Upcoming meaning either young or never grew ups

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

What a hoot Ellie calling the kettle black!

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

What a Hoot
What a hoot Ellie calling the kettle black!

thinkin the same of ms critical n otherz who is my way or no way

Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

1. We are remembered more for our acts of kindness than for our ability to spell.

Thank you, MJLRC, for taking the time and effort to host a match. I'm sure it will be wonderful for all involved.


Re: MJLRC Specialty Match in NJ

Wow, what a way to get 500 views about our upcoming match LOL LOL Spell conformation incorrectly, perhaps on purpose (duh), and everybody will look at the thread Whomever wrote that post played you guys LOL LOL LOL