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Gagging dog

Older dog , gagging, frothy sliva, heavy breathing, not coughing. Over and over , can't rest. Exhausted dog. Had blood pulled late last night, put her on Benedryl, have appoitment at 5pm today. What is this ?

Re: Gagging dog

How long has it been going on? If it's sudden, call the vet. Could be bloat. If so, it's an emergency that can't wait until 5 pm

Re: Gagging dog

Could possibly be congestive heart failure... an x-ray to see if there is fluid present will help to determine. Bloodwork would need to measure CO2 levels in blood and I'm uncertain if it does.

Re: Gagging dog

Thanks Liz , it came on sudden , been two days now. Like I said she was at the Vet last night, is going AGAIN at 5pm, I too thought of her heart, but one day she is just fine, was thinking of entering her in Veterans, and the next day she is sick. Does not sound like CHF to me???

Re: Gagging dog

In the old dogs, it can come on very suddenly... good luck with your dog.

Re: Gagging dog

Older dog , gagging, frothy sliva, heavy breathing, not coughing. Over and over , can't rest. Exhausted dog. Had blood pulled late last night, put her on Benedryl, have appoitment at 5pm today. What is this ?

I think your vet will tell you it's Laryngeal Paralysis, a senior disease. There is a yahoo group for it if that's the diagnosis.
I hope your vet appointment goes well.

Re: Gagging dog

Geeze, everyone thinks the worst here. If it were LP, then Benedryl should have worked , and it did not.
Has anyone thought maybe it was just a dog with a sore throat ??

Re: Gagging dog

Geeze, everyone thinks the worst here. If it were LP, then Benedryl should have worked , and it did not.
Has anyone thought maybe it was just a dog with a sore throat ??

As mentioned on another thread, histamines in dogs are different than in humans. Benedryl rarely works for Lar Par. :-(

The vet will diagnose the problem but it sounds like Lar Par to me. I wish it didn't and hope it's just a sore throat. I've never had a dog with a sore throat without something else.

Re: Gagging dog

Thanks everyone. She's gone now. It was a massive heart attack, while she was on the table for a chest xray.

Re: Gagging dog

I am so sorry.

Re: Gagging dog

So sorry for your loss

So very sorry for your loss.

Re: Gagging dog

I am so sorry...

Re: Gagging dog

That just gave me chills, I'm so very sorry for your loss.

Re: Gagging dog

I'm so sorry.

Re: Gagging dog

I'm so sorry to hear this sad news - hugs from here!

Re: Gagging dog

I am terribly sorry. Godspeed.

Re: Gagging dog

I am also very sorry for your loss.. Godspeed sweet one!

Re: Gagging dog

I, too, am sorry that your beloved senior dog passed. Would that they could be immortal!

Re: Gagging dog

My deepest condolences on the loss of your older female. May she find peace and renewed spirit over the bridge with all our other ones.