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Lab sudden attack on teenager

Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this. My son called to say his sister-in-law was attacked by a Labrador that she knew very well and the attack came on suddently. Kristen was visiting her coach who just had surgery. She had visited several times before and the dog was always fine with her. This time seemed no different, the dog was sitting in her lap (Kristen's) and acting normal. Another friend was with Kristen. Suddendly the dog turned and started attacking Kristen. She warded it off, but had several bite marks and bruising on her arms (thank goodness she took Karate) and stomach. the dog didn't bother the other friend. The owner ended up in the hospital again because she had to wrestle the dog off Kristen. Another Lab in the house didn't react to anything. What could bring this on? The Lab is 6 years old and apparently never shown aggression. Poor Kristen is afraid of dogs now and I will have to kennel my girls when she visits. I can't say as I blame her. Any thoughts as to what the cause may be? I would like to have some plausible explanation to help ease Kristen's fears. Thanks in advance.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

Is this a purebred?
Did the friend maybe do something to the dog?
Has the dog shown any aggression to the other dog?

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

My boy tested a low positive for lyme, and has been treated. He is also on Deramaxx for pain in his hips. He is his happy old self, and hasn't had any instances in over six weeks.

I would get a complete checkup on the dog before jumping to any conclusions.

The owner having a physical problem may have somehow been a factor in the dog's mind.

It sounds like it was traumatic for everyone involved. I hope Kristen can move past her fear.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

Something triggered that dog.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

Something must have triggered that dog.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

Was it really a Lab ? Just seems hard to believe with any I have EVER been around.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

Yes, its a purebred, that's why my son called me in shock. To my knowledge she didn't do anything, but this is second hand. Also, to my knoweldge the dog has never shown agression toward people or dogs. I was thinking maybe something was wrong with the dog, thanks for the comments about what to test for first. I will forward them to Kristen's Mom who will get them to the coach. Kristen is still healing and on a round of antibiotics. She does occasionally wake up with bad dreams but can fall back asleep. It breaks my heart that anyone has a bad experience with a dog, but especially with our breed.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

It is quite possible that the lab was protecting the owner. Something did trigger that dog, and it was probably acting on instinct even though it was in error. I bet I'm getting some eye rolls right now, but as a paramedic, I've seen it before. Dogs know when their owners are ill, and get funny about it. Before I go into anybody's house when I'm on an ambulance call, any dog gets crated or locked in a separate room if at all possible.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

It is quite possible that the lab was protecting the owner. Something did trigger that dog, and it was probably acting on instinct even though it was in error. I bet I'm getting some eye rolls right now, but as a paramedic, I've seen it before. Dogs know when their owners are ill, and get funny about it. Before I go into anybody's house when I'm on an ambulance call, any dog gets crated or locked in a separate room if at all possible.

I agree with you. I have often thought that a dog can sense if its owner's in pain or is injured, perhaps by body scent only the dog can pick up on, such as when dogs are trained to help epileptics. This person recovering from surgery may have felt some discomfort while having visitors, and the resulting scent off the owner might have triggered a protective response.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

It is quite possible that the lab was protecting the owner. Something did trigger that dog, and it was probably acting on instinct even though it was in error. I bet I'm getting some eye rolls right now, but as a paramedic, I've seen it before. Dogs know when their owners are ill, and get funny about it. Before I go into anybody's house when I'm on an ambulance call, any dog gets crated or locked in a separate room if at all possible.

I agree with you. I have often thought that a dog can sense if its owner's in pain or is injured, perhaps by body scent only the dog can pick up on, such as when dogs are trained to help epileptics. This person recovering from surgery may have felt some discomfort while having visitors, and the resulting scent off the owner might have triggered a protective response.

That was my first thought too, but there were two girls visiting and only Kristen was attacked. And the dog could not be called off, the owner had to wrestle the dog off and shut it in a basement, where it continued to bark and growl! The owner ended up back in the hospital due to ripping out drains, etc while wrestling her dog off Kristen. I'm suggesting checking for tick born disease as suggested and also perhaps brain tumor. If something is not physically wrong, I am suggesting putting it down. Without a physical reason, this becomes a very unpredictable and dangerous dog. Very sad.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

Check his thyroid levels before making any permanent decisions. I'd give the dog every opportunity to prove that it's not a temperament issue.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

I would check serotonin levels. Sounds like something similar to 'Springer Rage' and that is associated with low serotonin levels in the brain (which also occurs in violent humans).
There might have been some sort of trigger, but I am pretty suspicious of a dog who has never shown any form of aggression previously to suddenly do so with such force and perseverance. This is likely not just aggression.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

Had an Irish Setter in an obedience class I was co-teaching with a friend years ago. This was a well bred show dog and she was fine for the first 2-3 classes. During a class one night she suddenly turned on my co-teacher/friend for no apparent reason. This was as the dog was doing on-leash healing on the go-round. She lunged at and bit my friend in the hand. She showed no aggression toward me, or anyone else and none at the other dogs. We thought it very odd and I spent a long time talking to the owner. I suggested doing a thyroid panel as I had noticed his dog's coat looking a little odd too. Sure enough, she was way off. He had the samples sent out to the "Guru"...can't remember the vet's name. Once she got regulated(it took some time) she was able to come back to our club and resume training. I would check on whether the dog is up to date on distemper as well. Sorry to hear of that poor girl's attack. Hope she recovers.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

"He had the samples sent out to the "Guru"...can't remember the vet's name."

Dr. Jean Dodds for the thyroid tests?

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

Yes, that's the one!

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

"Was it really a Lab ? Just seems hard to believe with any I have EVER been around."

I've seen plenty of badly bred labs that have temperament issues.

To the OP...tell them to take the dog in for a full medical evaluation.

Re: Lab sudden attack on teenager

I don't find it hard to believe it was a Lab. ANY dog has the potential to snap. A good friend of mine was cornered and attacked in her kitchen by their yellow male. She was college age and this was her dog; they were good buddies. They had him put down.