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Just interested in finding out if the UKC is held by AKC stalwarts to be as questionable as the CKC? I was reading a discussion forum where a contributor stated that the UKC and CKC were BOTH regarded with suspicion by world kennel clubs. I know that the CKC is just a joke but is is true that the UKC will never be recognized by the established kennel clubs in the world?


By CKC I mean Continental Kennel Club not the Canadian Kennel Club.


The UKC is the second oldest dog registry in the US only to the AKC, they are just as reputable about their pedigrees/stud book as AKC.

The CKC, which I hope you are referring to the Continental KC and not the Canadian KC, is a JOKE. Your dog does not have to have a pedigree from any other registry to be accepted. All you need to do is fill out their forms, add a few pics and pay their fees! They are one of the dozens of bogus registries out there where puppy mills run to when they get suspended from the AKC/UKC.



FYI it's ConKC not Canadian KC
The UKC is the second oldest dog registry in the US only to the AKC, they are just as reputable about their pedigrees/stud book as AKC.


We all know the difference in the three. Just stay with the AKC and stop putting others down. Find something nice to do for someone else on a rainy day.


FYI it's ConKC not Canadian KC
The UKC is the second oldest dog registry in the US only to the AKC, they are just as reputable about their pedigrees/stud book as AKC.

The AKC stud book & registry is recognized around the world by other established kennels clubs, the FCI, etc. The UKC is not. Therefore they are not regarded with the same level of consideration.


not quite
FYI it's ConKC not Canadian KC
The UKC is the second oldest dog registry in the US only to the AKC, they are just as reputable about their pedigrees/stud book as AKC.

The AKC stud book & registry is recognized around the world by other established kennels clubs, the FCI, etc. The UKC is not. Therefore they are not regarded with the same level of consideration.

Thank you for explaining that, I was unaware but I don't participate in either. I heard the Continental KC is used strictly by Puppy millers that don't have full registration. It's their only way to breed a dog with supposed *papers*. Now the same is happening with UKC unfortunately.

UKC is UKC, not AKC that's for sure. Good luck to those who participate but don't jam it down others throats. It doesn't work.

UKC began for obedience & working dogs originally, not for conformation btw.


"UKC is UKC, not AKC that's for sure. Good luck to those who participate but don't jam it down others throats. It doesn't work.

UKC began for obedience & working dogs originally, not for conformation btw."

And with AKC allowing mixed breeds in performance it is also losing its distinctiveness. AKC should somehow make conformation competition more equal between professional handlers and owner handlers and should recognize with points the RWD. Instead it waters down its shows with mixed breeds in performance.


Just interested in finding out if the UKC is held by AKC stalwarts to be as questionable as the CKC? I was reading a discussion forum where a contributor stated that the UKC and CKC were BOTH regarded with suspicion by world kennel clubs. I know that the CKC is just a joke but is is true that the UKC will never be recognized by the established kennel clubs in the world?

Breeder Also

Apr 24, 2010 - 10:04PM QuoteReply Re: UKC/CKC

"UKC is UKC, not AKC that's for sure. Good luck to those who participate but don't jam it down others throats. It doesn't work.

UKC began for obedience & working dogs originally, not for conformation btw."

And with AKC allowing mixed breeds in performance it is also losing its distinctiveness. AKC should somehow make conformation competition more equal between professional handlers and owner handlers and should recognize with points the RWD. Instead it waters down its shows with mixed breeds in performance.

I believe the OP asked *interested in finding out if the UKC is held by AKC stalwarts to be as questionable as the CKC?*

They didn't ask about AKC, they seem to know already. They wanted to know about UKC compared to the Continental KC CKC not the Canadian Kennel Club.

1 Point. I've never seen mixed breed dogs at conformation shows and I know AKC is out to make money. This was not the point of the OP's question tho.


Just interested in finding out if the UKC is held by AKC stalwarts to be as questionable as the CKC? I was reading a discussion forum where a contributor stated that the UKC and CKC were BOTH regarded with suspicion by world kennel clubs. I know that the CKC is just a joke but is is true that the UKC will never be recognized by the established kennel clubs in the world?

What exactly is the point of this comparison--obviously made by an AKC exhibitor? A thinly veiled attempt to discount UKC?

And why is this discounting necessary? Perhaps because the AKC exhibitor feels threatened by UKC gaining prominence currently?

It is this kind of nasty AKC exhibitor who is steadily driving me away from AKC and into the welcoming arms of UKC where people have a lot more fun with their dogs.


Oh I have tons of fun with my AKC dogs - believe me. I every option available to me in AKC. Having fun is the best part of it all. WE DO HAVE FUN!!! Oh boy, do we.


UKC/AKC competitor
What exactly is the point of this comparison--obviously made by an AKC exhibitor? A thinly veiled attempt to discount UKC?

And why is this discounting necessary? Perhaps because the AKC exhibitor feels threatened by UKC gaining prominence currently?

It is this kind of nasty AKC exhibitor who is steadily driving me away from AKC and into the welcoming arms of UKC where people have a lot more fun with their dogs.

I agree here. If you don't like UKC and don't want to compete, DON'T. But don't bad-mouth the folks who go out to both AKC and UKC events and then brag about their wins which will include UKC titles.

I love all the AKC-Only Lovers who will bad mouth just about any one under the sun but would never get their lazy butts off the ground to even put a CGC, OB title, or WC on their dog but will cry how bad UKC is. The folks with nice AKC dogs who win shouldn't have the time to worry about other folks and bad-mouth their wins. It's only the sad-sacks crying over the fact that the biased judge didn't pick their perfect dog and then takes their anger out on the folks who enjoy using the alternative venue to have some fun.


Wrong. The only problem we "AKC only" people have is when the UKC people try to shove their "titles" down everyones throats and pretend they are valuable and hard earned . The truth is they are NOT hard earned nor are they valuable for a real breeding program when compared to AKC titles. It's like comparing kindergarten to college!
Fine if you like UKC. But don't shove it in our faces, please!
Now go play in your sandbox while the AKC people play in their quarry :)


I love all the AKC-Only Lovers who will bad mouth just about any one under the sun but would never get their lazy butts off the ground to even put a CGC, OB title, or WC on their dog but will cry how bad UKC is. The folks with nice AKC dogs who win shouldn't have the time to worry about other folks and bad-mouth their wins. It's only the sad-sacks crying over the fact that the biased judge didn't pick their perfect dog and then takes their anger out on the folks who enjoy using the alternative venue to have some fun.


You are a sorry joke. UKC titles are earned by the breeder/owners, not purchase by the owner with a proffessional handler and a so, so dog. Why in the world are you threaten by others. I agree, most of us do AKC and UKC and have a great time with both and the UKC people are so much fun. Just nice people.
I know you are not like the average AKC persons I know. They have fun with their dogs and don't have time to cut others down. Sad


you obviously feel insecure and must revert to name calling. I understand. You'll build your confidence someday, hopefully for you. Poor dear. :(

Breeder 30
You are a sorry joke. UKC titles are earned by the breeder/owners, not purchase by the owner with a proffessional handler and a so, so dog. Why in the world are you threaten by others. I agree, most of us do AKC and UKC and have a great time with both and the UKC people are so much fun. Just nice people.
I know you are not like the average AKC persons I know. They have fun with their dogs and don't have time to cut others down. Sad


Wrong. The only problem we "AKC only" people have is when the UKC people try to shove their "titles" down everyones throats and pretend they are valuable and hard earned . The truth is they are NOT hard earned nor are they valuable for a real breeding program when compared to AKC titles. It's like comparing kindergarten to college!
Fine if you like UKC. But don't shove it in our faces, please!
Now go play in your sandbox while the AKC people play in their quarry :)

I'm not sure why you would think the UKC people try to "shove" their titles down your throat?

Just because a dog has an AKC title or championship doesn't necessarily mean the dog is something I'd want to use in my breeding program. I don't ever breed to a title anyway!

We all know that some people will send their dog out with a handler to finish it, send them to some remote location where the point scale is, sometimes, lower than what some UKC champion dogs had to defeat in order to complete their championship or just plain "pad" the competition with their own dogs. So please get over your elitist attitude about AKC being the only game in town and let others enjoy the competition venue of their choice.

For all you UKC competitiors, you keep doing what you're doing, have fun with your dogs and your friends.


UKC/AKC competitor
It is this kind of nasty AKC exhibitor who is steadily driving me away from AKC and into the welcoming arms of UKC where people have a lot more fun with their dogs.

applause, applause, applause




"Not" is apparently very threatened by the folks that actually DO things with their dogs. With all the boards I am on, NO ONE in UKC shoves titles down anyone's throats. I see the same brags whether it's AKC, UKC, someone doing 4H, folks showing under ASCA, someone winning a WC at their club. UKC OB and Rally is actually harder than AKC OB and Rally. UKC shows in my area have about just as many competitors as the small shows in my area.

But you can be damn well sure that if I showed my dog off to the best of it's ability and it wins it's UKC CH title or if it wins its UKC CD, I will PROUDLY list it on my website. Not only did I train that dog, I showed it MYSELF, and it did well. You obviously know nothing about UKC except your sorry small minded delusions if you think that it's not hard to get a CH.

Are you the same person who Poo Poo's Canadian CH's too? I mean, their rules for winning a show aren't as strict as the AKC, so it's got to be a joke too, right?


No, YOU poor Not are the one who is trying to put down the UKC and the ones who enjoy showing there. No mistaken who is pitiful today.


Just to clarify. I am not a member of AKC, UKC or CKC. Geez you people are quick to drag a topic of discussion down to insults and innuendo. I was merely wondering how a registry became accepted or not accepted. For example how does a pedigree registry become acknowledged as legitimate by the FCI for instance?


Wrong. The only problem we "AKC only" people have is when the UKC people try to shove their "titles" down everyones throats and pretend they are valuable and hard earned . The truth is they are NOT hard earned nor are they valuable for a real breeding program when compared to AKC titles. It's like comparing kindergarten to college!
Fine if you like UKC. But don't shove it in our faces, please!
Now go play in your sandbox while the AKC people play in their quarry :)

It is exactly posts like the one above that make me ashamed to say that I exhibit in AKC. Arrogance is an ugly characteristic of too many AKC exhibitors who post things like the above--and started this stupid thread.

Who exactly is shoving titles down whose throat? UKC honors AKC titles, but AKC does not honor UKC. Sometimes this reaches ludicrous proportions. For example, it is significantly more difficult to complete a UKC Rally and Obedience titles but AKC does not recognize UKC titles--or APDT titles, for that matter. So if I have advanced titles in UKC Rally and Obedience and Advanced APDT Rally titles, I can still compete in AKC Novice A if I have not completed an AKC title on a dog. Talk about silly.

And why exactly is an AKC conformation title more difficult than a UKC title? Too often it is because in AKC you need $10,000+, a professional handler, and a willingness to either send your dog out on the road for months at a time or travel the country (and out of the continental US) for years seeking some judge who is capable of setting aside bias long enough to evaluate your dog honestly--and, oh yes, you need a lot of luck because less than 1% of Labs finish their championships.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, especially because lots of us live in both AKC and UKC and know the score. You sure aren't doing AKC any favors with your nasty comments.


Then why are you here You don't show, train for obedience, field Maybe a general question could be ask to AKC.


UKC/AKC competitor
UKC honors AKC titles, but AKC does not honor UKC.

But the UKC does not "honor" the AKC limited registration and any AKC dog with an AKC "Limited" registration can be entered into the UKC registry and be bred without any restriction. To me this is much more significant than "honoring" a title.


not quite
UKC/AKC competitor
UKC honors AKC titles, but AKC does not honor UKC.

But the UKC does not "honor" the AKC limited registration and any AKC dog with an AKC "Limited" registration can be entered into the UKC registry and be bred without any restriction. To me this is much more significant than "honoring" a title.

To you.


No need to be redundant. I did say that it was "to me". You seem to be hyper-sensitive and I sense that, for whatever reason, you seem to be baiting people into some sort of argument. You will get none from me. I think it is just fine if you participate in UKC, AKC, CKC, noKC. I find it amusing when there are those who say that UKC is "the Same", "just as competitive", "harder", OR however they chose to describe the UKC. I happen to have my own opinion, which I am happy to keep private to avoid falling into someone's personal little "flame up" about a topic which really does not deserve such argument.


UKC/AKC competitor
And why exactly is an AKC conformation title more difficult than a UKC title? Too often it is because in AKC you need $10,000+, a professional handler, and a willingness to either send your dog out on the road for months at a time or travel the country (and out of the continental US) for years seeking some judge who is capable of setting aside bias long enough to evaluate your dog honestly--and, oh yes, you need a lot of luck because less than 1% of Labs finish their championships.

For accuracy, the number is 1% of all AKC registered Labradors, not 1% of those competing. That said, it IS hard to earn an AKC championship. Two majors under different judges is meant to give meaning to the title. The fluctuating point system is designed to keep every dog from finishing and that's a good thing. Even given our numbers, a superior Lab finishes pretty quickly.

I've been in this sport a long time and know of only a couple of people who have finished a dog as you describe. They have been newcomers who have no more eye for a dog than the average pet person and they sound just like you when they lose - blaming the system instead of their dog.

Breed competition is for breeders. It is about getting experienced opinions on a dog. It's about measuring your dog against others. It's about learning. It's about separating good dogs from average ones. And, IMO, the bigger the pond the better the breeder you will become.

Webster defines champion as 'marked superiority'. I don't want AKC watering down their championships so people will have more fun. When UKC sets their championship requirements to 15 points with two majors and base those majors on AKC entry numbers, the title will earn more respect.


I don't believe I've ever seen it said better!!!!!


Silly people who foster arrogant spitting matches. UKC and AKC are only mutually exclusive in your minds. Most who register in UKC also register in AKC. But warning-- overdone and overweight dogs will not win in UKC, you can't rely on a handler, and you will need to do some extra training to title in UKC Rally and Obedience.


did anyone give a thought to this person wanting to learn about Labrador breeder views and maybe just tring to get some info to make her mind wheter she she buy a akc reg pup or other, some of you have been very unfriendly and in some cases rude, could make a novice think they want nothing to do with you all......that is ashame deplomicy i guess is out the for me I would like to appologize to this person for the rudeness in response to your question and believe me not all Labrador breeders are like this....thank heavens




UKC/AKC competitor

Why is it nonsense? Darcie, you need to chill woman, the anger is not flattering.

Some of the other posters are competing in AKC a long time. They're entitled to their opinion about the differences between AKC & UKC also.

You're not the only person with an opinion & there is no need for an angry opinion. Jmo.


Every venue has its place. The whole bashing between AKC and UKC is silly. A good dog is a good dog, regardless of the venue in which it is shown. Many dogs show and are competitive in multiple registries. There are also poor specimens competing in both AKC and UKC. I think venues that encourage owners to get out and spend time with their dogs are valuable in building relationships with their dogs and other dog fanciers. Seriously competitive venues are valuable for breeders who wish to evaluate their breeding stock and compare their dogs against many other competitive dogs. The fact that one uses a handler or handles their own dog has nothing to do with the quality of the dog, and it is only the quality of the dog that is being judged. I agree that good specimens, once they are mature and looking their best, finish relatively quickly regardless of the venue, $ spent or who is handling. I have a friend who had a nice dog out with a handler that finished in a few weekends. I know of another dog that has been out regularly with the same handler for a few years and has some minor points but will most likely never finish, regardless of the handler or how much $ is spent.

There is always an element of politics at any show and yes, there are some nice dogs that never finish or some average dogs that do. However, overall I think we continue to show because we believe we are getting fair opinions of our dogs that will help us better evaluate what we have. We all have our own criteria and standards for evaluation (which should go further than the breed ring to include work ethic and health/soundness), and since breeding decisions are personal there is no point in telling someone else what type of evaluation is better than others.


not quite
FYI it's ConKC not Canadian KC
The UKC is the second oldest dog registry in the US only to the AKC, they are just as reputable about their pedigrees/stud book as AKC.

The AKC stud book & registry is recognized around the world by other established kennels clubs, the FCI, etc. The UKC is not. Therefore they are not regarded with the same level of consideration.

The answer to the original question which this thread was based upon is very simple. It is unfortunate that there were some who wanted to "flame" and generate animas in this thread.

The originial question had to do with how the various registries (AKC, UKC, CKC - not Canada, but the ContinentalKC) were regarded by the other major registries and Kennel Clubs around the world. The Only registry or stud book in the USA which is recognized by the FCI and other major Kennel Clubs worldwide is the AKC.


So who is Darcie, and why are you flaming her? Perhaps attacking her is the real reason for this thread.

What earthly difference does which registries recognize UKC? UKC has been registering dogs since 1898 and is the largest all-breed PERFORMANCE dog registry in the world. More than 60% of its 13,000 annually licensed events are tests of hunting ability, training and instinct. UKC prides itself on its family-oriented, friendly, educational events. The UKC has supported the "Total Dog" philosophy through its events and programs for over a century.


is is true that the UKC will never be recognized by the established kennel clubs in the world?

The UKC registry, stud book, is NOT recognized by the FCI, other Kennel Clubs' Stud Books, registries, etc.
This was the original question, not whether or not people participate in UKC performance, etc. or how long the UKC has been registering hunting dogs, etc.


My dogs are registered with AKC, UKC and APDT because I compete in all those arenas.


How does that answer the OP's question?


Just interested in finding out if the UKC is held by AKC stalwarts to be as questionable as the CKC? I was reading a discussion forum where a contributor stated that the UKC and CKC were BOTH regarded with suspicion by world kennel clubs. I know that the CKC is just a joke but is is true that the UKC will never be recognized by the established kennel clubs in the world?

Established in 1898, the United Kennel Club is the largest all-breed performance-dog registry in the world, registering dogs from all 50 states and 25 foreign countries. More than 60 percent of its 13,000 annually licensed events are tests of hunting ability, training and instinct. UKC prides itself on its family-oriented, friendly, educational events. The UKC has supported the "Total Dog" philosophy through its events and programs for over a century. As a departure from registries that place emphasis on a dog’s looks, UKC events are designed for dogs that look and perform equally well.

Our mission is to be the world's best registry of purebred dogs, to offer our customers the most efficient and creative services possible, to use our data to help our customers breed the best dogs in the world and to create a wide spectrum of performance and conformation events in which those dogs can prove their instincts and heritage.

The programs at UKC include Obedience Trials, Agility Trials, Weight Pull Events, Terrier Races, Dock Jumping Events, Total Junior Program, Dog Sports (including Family Obedience), Coonhound Field Trials, Water Races, Nite Hunts and Bench Shows, Hunt Tests for retrieving breeds, Pointing Dog Events, Beagle Events (including Hunts and Bench Shows, and Cur and Feist Squirrel and Coon Events and Bench Shows.

Rounding out the 'Total Dog' package, UKC Conformation Events are among our largest growing events. UKC dog shows are family events designed by and for the breeder-owner-handler. Professional Handlers are not eligible to exhibit dogs for others at UKC Conformation Events. At UKC dog shows, the emphasis is on the DOG, not the SHOW.

Part of our mission is to have events where all dogs can compete. In addition to our purebred dog registry, United Kennel Club offers a Limited Privilege program. The Limited Privilege is open to all dogs that are spayed/neutered. This includes mixed breed dogs, purebred dogs of unknown pedigree, and purebred dogs with disqualifying faults as described in the UKC breed standards. The programs open to Limited Privilege dogs are Obedience Trials, Weight Pulls, Agility Trials, Total Junior Program and Dog Sports (including Family Obedience).

It is our firm belief that the right balance between performance and conformation results in healthier happier dogs for everyone. We are proud that we share that same philosophy with our growing number of dedicated participants.

Essentially, the UKC world of dogs is a working world. That's the way it was developed over a century ago, and that's the way it remains today.
How does the above even compare to this

Since 1991, Continental Kennel Club has offered the dog world a choice in canine registration services. CKC’s commitment to its club members has always been about providing unique, quality canine services and products in a timely manner. Likewise, Continental Kennel Club’s commitment to establishing national performance events, field trials, and breed evaluation shows is just as strong. At CKC, we believe in empowering ordinary people with practical canine education and training so that they can enjoy an extraordinary relationship with their dogs. Continental Kennel Club provides its club members and the general public with educational material through direct mail, magazine publications, training seminars, and its online presence.

With hundreds of thousands of registrations annually, Continental Kennel Club has moved into position as one of the largest canine registries in the world. Along with its tremendous growth, CKC has continued to offer fast, efficient, and accurate record-keeping services to its members. Continental Kennel Club employs courteous operators, maintains toll-free numbers, and issues free litter registration papers to CKC breeders. Along with the everydog Magazine, CKC publishes a monthly newsletter for breeders, event participants, and other CKC club members. The Continental Kennel Club website at serves as the official CKC online source for all information regarding registration and events.

The UKC is a reputable registry in my opinion. I cannot say the same for the Continental Kennel Club. Just because the AKC is the premier registry in the US, does not mean people cannot enjoy themselves in other reputable registries. Do I show my dogs in AKC and UKC, yes. Would I buy a dog that only had UKC papers... probably not but thats my personal choice. Would I buy a dog with Continental Kennel club papers... NEVER!!!!! CKC screams puppy mill to me... those who have be suspended by the AKC and/or UKC.

I do not understand why the UKC is constantly brought up in such a negative manner... people get so bent out of shape because some Labrador exhibitors chose to spend their money at other venues other then AKC... to each their own


Another AKC & UKC exhibitor
Just interested in finding out if the UKC is held by AKC stalwarts to be as questionable as the CKC? I was reading a discussion forum where a contributor stated that the UKC and CKC were BOTH regarded with suspicion by world kennel clubs. I know that the CKC is just a joke but is is true that the UKC will never be recognized by the established kennel clubs in the world?

Established in 1898, the United Kennel Club is the largest all-breed performance-dog registry in the world, registering dogs from all 50 states and 25 foreign countries. More than 60 percent of its 13,000 annually licensed events are tests of hunting ability, training and instinct. UKC prides itself on its family-oriented, friendly, educational events. The UKC has supported the "Total Dog" philosophy through its events and programs for over a century. As a departure from registries that place emphasis on a dog’s looks, UKC events are designed for dogs that look and perform equally well.

Our mission is to be the world's best registry of purebred dogs, to offer our customers the most efficient and creative services possible, to use our data to help our customers breed the best dogs in the world and to create a wide spectrum of performance and conformation events in which those dogs can prove their instincts and heritage.

The programs at UKC include Obedience Trials, Agility Trials, Weight Pull Events, Terrier Races, Dock Jumping Events, Total Junior Program, Dog Sports (including Family Obedience), Coonhound Field Trials, Water Races, Nite Hunts and Bench Shows, Hunt Tests for retrieving breeds, Pointing Dog Events, Beagle Events (including Hunts and Bench Shows, and Cur and Feist Squirrel and Coon Events and Bench Shows.

Rounding out the 'Total Dog' package, UKC Conformation Events are among our largest growing events. UKC dog shows are family events designed by and for the breeder-owner-handler. Professional Handlers are not eligible to exhibit dogs for others at UKC Conformation Events. At UKC dog shows, the emphasis is on the DOG, not the SHOW.

Part of our mission is to have events where all dogs can compete. In addition to our purebred dog registry, United Kennel Club offers a Limited Privilege program. The Limited Privilege is open to all dogs that are spayed/neutered. This includes mixed breed dogs, purebred dogs of unknown pedigree, and purebred dogs with disqualifying faults as described in the UKC breed standards. The programs open to Limited Privilege dogs are Obedience Trials, Weight Pulls, Agility Trials, Total Junior Program and Dog Sports (including Family Obedience).

It is our firm belief that the right balance between performance and conformation results in healthier happier dogs for everyone. We are proud that we share that same philosophy with our growing number of dedicated participants.

Essentially, the UKC world of dogs is a working world. That's the way it was developed over a century ago, and that's the way it remains today.
How does the above even compare to this

Since 1991, Continental Kennel Club has offered the dog world a choice in canine registration services. CKC’s commitment to its club members has always been about providing unique, quality canine services and products in a timely manner. Likewise, Continental Kennel Club’s commitment to establishing national performance events, field trials, and breed evaluation shows is just as strong. At CKC, we believe in empowering ordinary people with practical canine education and training so that they can enjoy an extraordinary relationship with their dogs. Continental Kennel Club provides its club members and the general public with educational material through direct mail, magazine publications, training seminars, and its online presence.

With hundreds of thousands of registrations annually, Continental Kennel Club has moved into position as one of the largest canine registries in the world. Along with its tremendous growth, CKC has continued to offer fast, efficient, and accurate record-keeping services to its members. Continental Kennel Club employs courteous operators, maintains toll-free numbers, and issues free litter registration papers to CKC breeders. Along with the everydog Magazine, CKC publishes a monthly newsletter for breeders, event participants, and other CKC club members. The Continental Kennel Club website at serves as the official CKC online source for all information regarding registration and events.

The UKC is a reputable registry in my opinion. I cannot say the same for the Continental Kennel Club. Just because the AKC is the premier registry in the US, does not mean people cannot enjoy themselves in other reputable registries. Do I show my dogs in AKC and UKC, yes. Would I buy a dog that only had UKC papers... probably not but thats my personal choice. Would I buy a dog with Continental Kennel club papers... NEVER!!!!! CKC screams puppy mill to me... those who have be suspended by the AKC and/or UKC.

I do not understand why the UKC is constantly brought up in such a negative manner... people get so bent out of shape because some Labrador exhibitors chose to spend their money at other venues other then AKC... to each their own

*I do not understand why the UKC is constantly brought up in such a negative manner... people get so bent out of shape because some Labrador exhibitors chose to spend their money at other venues other then AKC... to each their own *

Why don't we all allow a sleeping dog to lie? This subject has been beat up. No one has been negative about UKC, they're being honest about the OP's question. These are 2 different registries and only one is acknowleged by other countries.

No one is telling anyone else to compete in AKC, if anything it's the opposite. I recieve emails all the time from UKC and I never joined a list or asked to be emailed. Essentially, it's spam. I don't even know how my email address was acquired by someone in the UKC.

As you said *
Established in 1898, the United Kennel Club is the largest all-breed performance-dog registry in the world.* Keyword, Performance-dog registry.

I have nothing further to say.


The UKC is where people go to register their dogs when suspended by AKC. UKC gladly registers them just as they register AKC Ltd. papered dogs so they can be bred and receive UKC papers!
UKC doesn't suspend. They don't inspect either. They just hand out papers and put on inferior dog shows in parking lots that you can walk up and enter the day of so they can claim they "hold dog shows".
Nuff said?

Another AKC & UKC exhibitorCKC screams puppy mill to me... those who have be suspended by the AKC and/or UKC.

I do not understand why the UKC is constantly brought up in such a negative manner... people get so bent out of shape because some Labrador exhibitors chose to spend their money at other venues other then AKC... to each their own[o:)


Labs are Sporting Dogs, kinda hints at performance doesn't it?


UKC suspends breeders and exhibitors who violate rules and publishes those names monthly in Bloodlines one of the UKC publications. In fact, UKC is particularly hard on puppy mills and will not allow professional handlers to exhibit any dog but their own.

All the people I know who exhibit in UKC also exhibit in AKC--unless they have a breed not recognized by AKC. Many breeders in other breeds do not even want AKC recognition because the new AKC standard is often not compatible with good breed performance. (UKC also recognizes many rarer breeds that are unrecognized yet by AKC).

Many UKC judges are also AKC judges. For example, the UKC head of judge's education (a Golden breeder) is also an AKC judge and has written some wonderful articles for judges, which are posted on the UKC website for everyone to read.

Thank you for the opportunity to correct misconceptions about UKC published here.


What do pro handlers and puppy mills have in common???
I don't get your statement?
Ok, so if UKC suspends, please provide a link to this "list" and tell me what do they suspend for since they don't inspect? How would they know a puppy mill from anything else??

UKC/AKC competitor
UKC suspends breeders and exhibitors who violate rules and publishes those names monthly in Bloodlines one of the UKC publications. In fact, UKC is particularly hard on puppy mills and will not allow professional handlers to exhibit any dog but their own.


All suspensions are listed in Bloodlines, which is published monthly.

But thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to correct misconceptions.