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Should we stay away from Rimadyl?

I have an 11 month old pup who has been limping on her right front leg for a few days now. She did something when she jumped out of the ex-pen and we are seeing the vet early this evening. If he wants to put her on a pain/anti-inflammatory med is there something else that can be prescibed instead of Rimadyl? I have heard some not so good things about this med. Thanks for your input.

Re: Should we stay away from Rimadyl?

I like Deramaxx better than Rimadyl, and crate rest. No running or jumping.

Re: Should we stay away from Rimadyl?

After my girl had her toe amputated the vet put her on Deramaxx. My vet doesn't carry or prescribe Rimadyl. However, keep in mind that each dog reacts different to meds. If you would like to read some Rimadyl stories (good and bad) go to

Re: Should we stay away from Rimadyl?

Ask your vet about Tramadol for pain (not an NSAID) and less invasive. It may be all you need.

Look into and ask your vet about Arnica (all natural and great for pain).

Hoping your pup is healed soon.

Re: Should we stay away from Rimadyl?

Arnica is wonderful but don't be surprised if your "traditional" vet doesn't have a clue about it. You may have to find a holistic vet to help you out. Hope your pup is okay soon - rest is best but at this age, I know how hard that is too!

Re: Should we stay away from Rimadyl?

We just got back from a trip to the vet. It looks to have been a cut on the side of on of her pads (I looked at her feet but I missed not seeing this one). I am soooo relieved that there wasn't bone or tissue invovement, especially at this age. She got an injectible antibiotic at the office and start on cephalexin by mouth tomorrow. I also have to soak the foot in epsom salt twice a day....that will be a real challenge. Thanks to all of you who responded.

Re: Should we stay away from Rimadyl?

Inquiring about meds
We just got back from a trip to the vet. It looks to have been a cut on the side of on of her pads (I looked at her feet but I missed not seeing this one). I am soooo relieved that there wasn't bone or tissue invovement, especially at this age. She got an injectible antibiotic at the office and start on cephalexin by mouth tomorrow. I also have to soak the foot in epsom salt twice a day....that will be a real challenge. Thanks to all of you who responded.

An 11 month old can easily "stand/stay" or "sit/stay" as you soak a foot in epsom salt. I have done it and they actually look forward to the warm soak.

Mine healed quickly and easily, hope yours does too.

Re: Should we stay away from Rimadyl?

You can stand the dog in a bathtub to soak feet; you soak all feet instead of just the one that needs to soak, but it's easier than fighting with a pup to keep one foot in a basin.......

Re: Should we stay away from Rimadyl?

I had a 12 month old pup sprain his left front ankle. The vet gave him Rimadyl and he died 2 days later. I have since chosen to red-flag all my dogs files, and it is now in my puppy contract that this medication NOT be given and why.
