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Kennel cough - thanks a lot

Just so you know. In addition to the dogs that went to the Potomac, now one of my two stay-at-homes who sleeps in my large kitchen at night has it too. This morning I came down to find barf all over the place. After I put everyone out, I took a roll of paper towels and walked around putting pieces on each little puddle, counting as I went. The final count was 44 puddles. And that does not include several more that were on her bed. Nice of you folks to share.

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

Just a question. . . did those of you who had dogs who came down with KC inoculate them? I know the vaccine is controversial and is not 100% effective. I still inoculate my young dogs once or twice but stop when they are about two.
My dogs did not get KC or the stomach virus at the Potomac but then, I did not stay on the show grounds.

I think I am going to rethink my views on KC and will continue to inoculate even the older dogs if they are attending shows.

Not to stir the pot. . . but did any of you who are now so angry about picking up KC from handlers' dogs send your children to school when they had or were recovering from colds? Sore throats? Stomach aches? . . . even unknowingly?

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

I use the KC vaccine once a year. Sometimes we do nasal and some injection. Most of the time, the dogs that are actively doing classes or shows, don't pick up the KC - but the younger ones may, so I consider that maybe they are stressed more.

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

Yes, all my dogs were recentally innoculated for bordetella with Intratrac III. Like the previous person said, the older ones who were with me at Potomac, and have had it before from actively showing, did not get sick, but my younger dog, who had never had it before, and yes, was innoculated, picked it up and then brought it home to my 5 month old puppy who also had never been exposed but was innoculated. The vaccine is not foolproof, in fact is not often very effective at all, and this was a particularly bad strain. I find once they have had kennel cough they usually do not get it again, that is probably better protection then the vaccine.

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

I think the dogs are contagious before they show any symptoms. Give people a break, they may have unknowingly brought contagious dogs.

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

I still give every dog at my house Bordatella twice a year. It is not that expensive. One year when I didn't give it, we picked up KC somewhere at a show and one by one every few days or so one dog would get better and the next dog would come down with it. So I keep cough tabs on hand just in case but so far knock on wood, I haven't had KC at my house in a long time. I do the nasal. I keep thinking I could skip twice a year on the older dogs but they are older and if they got KC and happened to die I would never forgive myself.

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

What do you give dogs with KC to stop the coughing? I have 3 coughing here, but one is worse than the others.

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

I also do the nasal Trac III, once a year for all and twice for the ones showing and classes. It does not cost that much and so far seems to work. If you are out showing expect KC sooner or later.

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

Robitussin and honey helps. Don't get the robitussin with antihistimine, just use the one for plain coughs. Don't let them run around and get excited, that will make them cough more. In some cases the vet will also give antibiotics. It has to just run its course, same as a cold.

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

Weird but on one side of me the van brought kennel cough home and on the other side the van got the watery stool.

I didn't bring anything home, I do not vaccinate for kennel cough either

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

This a great holistic remedy for kennel cough. It was shared with me just recently by a friend who suggested I try it rather than Robatussin.
1 tsp Honey
1/2 tsp lemon juice
3 drops of hydrogen peroxide
Mix it all together and you can either give it to them straight or sopped up on a piece of bread. I also added it to the "community" drinking bowl outside.
It works well and really loosens up the junk that is causing them to hack.

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

Have been giving bordetella shots every 6 months to every show dog for the past 7 1/2 years. Others only once a year. My vet suggested it. Have never experienced KC in all those years. I know there are lots of strains but I will continue since I have done well doing it this way. And I attend alot of shows.

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

This a great holistic remedy for kennel cough. It was shared with me just recently by a friend who suggested I try it rather than Robatussin.
1 tsp Honey
1/2 tsp lemon juice
3 drops of hydrogen peroxide
Mix it all together and you can either give it to them straight or sopped up on a piece of bread. I also added it to the "community" drinking bowl outside.
It works well and really loosens up the junk that is causing them to hack.

That's an interesting alternative to Robatussin, I'd like to try it. Is this a single Dosage Recipe?

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

Yes, this mixture is for a single dose.

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

As Stacy replied the holistic remedy works wonders! My dog got it right before her's. One of my girls came down with K.C. from Syracuse and I didn't want to use the drugs, so I looked up recipes for holistic remedies and found the honey/lemon/hydrogen peroxide. I used 1tbsp honey, 1 tbsp lemon juice and 3 drops(from a dropper) of hydrogen peroxide with the mixture in 14 oz. of warm water. I did this 4 times daily and used the bread, hamburger buns(whatever soaked it up)and just let her lap it up with my hand in her bucket. She would polish it all up at once. I also kept her very quiet and isolated from the other dogs. She NEVER coughed while in her crate, or in the house. The only time I heard any coughing was early in the a.m. in the chilly damp air and it was so brief and mild I was amazed. I did not use any drugs whatsoever and she was over it in a week. No vomiting, no fever. This dosage is for an adult. Stacy, how is your girl doing???

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

We are hanging in down more to go...Thanks to whoever unknowingly brought it to share at Potomac! Next year could you be more selfish??

Re: Kennel cough - thanks a lot

Oh no. More are coughing? Sam's Club has a real big jar of honey!!!