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Progeserone Levels

Can a bitch go into labor before her progesterone hits 2.0? I am progesterone testing a bitch that had a issue with previous litter to make sure she didn't need progesterone supplements, she is very close to her due date (tomorrow) but her progesterone has been between 7 and 6 the last couple days. Thanks.

Re: Progeserone Levels

I don't think so, but ask your repro vet. I had a girl that needed a c-sec and she went 3 days past her mid due date before the prog. was low enough. I'm not sure what happened, but the 2 pups were born with lots of peeling skin on their toes and ears.

I tested a girl a couple of years ago that was off her food in the AM (the day before her first due date) and her temp had dropped. Vet still wanted numbers. The dropped off the test to the lab myself and by the time I got home - she was calling to tell me that the number was 1.1 and I needed to come back asap - that she could go into labor anytime.