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Scheduled C-Section

When do you schedule a c-section? I mean for the whole delivery. When her temp drops?

Re: Scheduled C-Section

Well, since no one else has answered you, I'll try, don't know a lot about it but I think to be safe the progesterone level has to be at a certain level in addition to a temperature drop. If you search back through past threads you will probably find more info.

Re: Scheduled C-Section

You can do a section if the progesterone has fallen to less than 2 ng/ml. Otherwise, the only safe way is to wait until they go into labor, unless you had progesterones during the breedings so you are certain of the dates.

Re: Scheduled C-Section

Well, since no one else has answered you, I'll try, don't know a lot about it but I think to be safe the progesterone level has to be at a certain level in addition to a temperature drop. If you search back through past threads you will probably find more info.

"To be safe", don't schedule a c-section at all. If you already know that you will need a section, don't breed the bitch. This is major surgery. You don't do it unless you have no other choice.