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Dandruff WOES!!

Has any Pro Plan feeders experienced MAJOR dandruff? Have been feeding the PP Skin & Stomach Salmon (regular not the Selects) for just over 4 months and am having a horrible dandruff issue with one dog. I'm not talking a few flakes, the entire back is covered with large dandruff flakes! Any advise would be appreciated. We went back to Pro Plan after a 12 year absence from it to improve on coats which has worked for a few but not all.

Re: Dandruff WOES!!

If I were you, I'd switch to Diamond Natural's Chicken with Rice and add fish oil. Best coat and skin for past 18 months, never will go back to anything else.

Re: Dandruff WOES!!

Been rethinking this since we had similar issue few years ago. I actually think I'd stick with PP, wash with a tar based anti dandruff shampoo to get skin healthy and add fish oil and see if it clears. She may just need extra fish oil in her diet and may do fine with PP and suplement.

Re: Dandruff WOES!!

Thanks for the info, I found it so strange to have dandruff with the fish based food. The girl working at our local feed store looked at me like I had three heads when I told her about the issue LOL