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Swimmer pup - help?

Hi all - I've got a litter here just over 3 weeks old - one boy is a swimmer - I've been placing feet etc under him, trying to get him to sleep on his side and he's on a good footing surface. But now his littermates are up and I need to get something done for the poor guy.

What are the newest recommendations? Help!

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

If you haven't already, I would snake towels around under his bedding so that you can rest him on his side more easily. People don't like to hobble these days, but it works. You can also put him on a rubber backed bath mat or rug lining that will give him traction. Place him on his back between your legs and gently bicycle his rear legs for a minute about three times a day. If nothing more, these suggestions alone will have 20 people writing in to say they are all wrong ... but you'll get some other good ideas then, too.

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

And how does one hobble effectively?

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

Just buy the eggcrate pad and put it under your bedding. Thats all you need to do. Don't hobble. I know it looks bad but will correct so fast. Get him out and on carpet or anything that makes him use his muscles in his legs. Do the roll towels also. Roll him to his side when you check on him.

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

I think I'll do the egg crate foam, topped with my rubber backed mats (rubber side up) and towels rolled randomly underneath? He was the nicest pup at birth and now he looks like a pancake - I just want to make sure he's going to be ok. He was laying 3/4 on his side this morning.
At what point does one decide to try the hobbles?

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

I use what I call the "puppy race track". I get 2 7ft. lengths of 4" wide molding, 2 landscape bricks, and 2 vise grips. I put a brick at each end and use the vise grips to create the walls w/ the molding. Puppy fits snugly inside and has no way to go but walk forward. Legs won't slip out sideways. Puppy can only move forward. I do this about 3 times a day in repetitions of 2-6 times. Works great. I quit using hobbles and towels in the whelping box. Results have been quicker/better with my race track.

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

Swimmer puppy ? Please educate me on what this is. Genetic, birth defect, how does it happen ? Will this puppy grow out of it ?

Thank you

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

I just went through this with ine of my pups. This is not the first time. It is exasperating to say the least.
If it's warm enough, get him out on the grass. That has helped me numerous times, more than anything else.0 Also exercise his front and back legs several times a day.
I have found that the hobbles don't do much good until the pup is about ready to start walking. Then I just hobble them for a few hours. The hobbles can frustrate them if done too soon.
The pup will be fine with no ill affects. His body will pop back to where it should be. I don't think it is hereditary.
If you have questions, email me. Good luck

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

Do nothing except give the puppy a good floor to be able to get his/her footing. I agree grass is great. It will correct itself as the puppy gets stronger. Have had many swimmings over the years and have not done anything, no hobbling etc.

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

I had a pup with an extreme case of "swimmers". The vet at Purdue told me to take a tube sock (or something similar) and cut holes for the front legs and head and then stuff the chest with somekind of padding. This makes the puppy get off of their chest and strengthens the muscles.

He told me that if an owner does not do something then the organs are pushed downwards and fluid can begin to build up in the lungs and the puppy could die.

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

Jesse is right. If the puppy is really flat it's going to take more than just an egg crate and rolled up towels. I have delt with swimmer on a couple of occastions. The best thing you can do for this baby is carry/hold it with you as much as possible squeezing (carefully) the the front and back legs together and holding them there, keep in mind because it is a swimmer the legs won't come together as easy as if it were a normal puppy, just be gentle :) If you have kids that can help you out that works great. When your sitting watching tv have that baby with you just holding it's little legs together, it's really important to do this as much as possible. You can wrap the puppy in a little towel which kind of help to keep it's little legs together. At night I always make sure the puppy is on its side with a wash cloth rolled between it's legs and another rolled up behind it so that it's hard for the puppy to roll onto it's belly or the egg crate stuff works pretty good but I still do the towel thing, just keep it off it's chest & belly. It's a lot of work but I promise this method works wonders. Good luck

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

So a short update on the little guy - I took some ideas from everyone - BTW Thanks!!

I've got an egg crate foam with rubber backed mats rubber side up and towels rolled up all over the puppy box to trundle over. I also put a sock wrap on with padding under the chest. When we hold him we keep his feet gently pulled in, move his limbs in full range of motion and try to keep him on his side.

We are probably 7 hours after starting the major changes and he's now very tottering when moving but is starting to pull his little legs under him when moving. He's sleeping somewhat on his side draped around blankets etc.

Hope this means the little guy will come around quickly.

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

I might be having swimmers in my box... I have never heard or seen a "swimmer" before so will the puppy be damaged for life or will this correct itself further on as they grow??

Re: Swimmer pup - help?

I had a swimmer pup and I "swam" him .. I have a big farmhouse sink and I filled it with warm water, put him in it and dog paddled his legs while supporting him in my other hand ... did that 3 -4 times a day for 3 days and he was as right as rain ...