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Which intranasal vaccine?

Just curious which vaccines you all choose to use?

I use the Intervet vaccine. My dogs did not get KC but again, I did not stay at the host hotel.

Re: Which intranasal vaccine?

Which version of the Intervet KC vaccine did you use? Some are only Bordatella, whereas others include parainfluenza and even adenovirus. Thanks.

Like Sue @ Weymouth, I have had bad KC with the vaccine, and twice, years apart, when we vaccinated, they seemed to get it FROM the IntraTrac II intranasal, even the time I gave it at home rather than at the vets. That was years ago, and the product insert stated that it was a possible side effect. I ended up stuck home with sick dogs that had to go on antibiotics--the whole thing I was trying to avoid!
I agree with another poster that once they get a strong case of KC, they seem to be immune for the next decade or more. Some strains, when they come from the vaccine, are resistant to the antibiotics that are used in making the vaccine.

However, I am considering vaccinating the younger dogs who have never had KC .Thanks for your input.

Re: Which intranasal vaccine?

I use Intra-Trac 3 by Schering-Plough. Use it once a year on all, twice a year on the ones that show and go out to classes. I have never had a reaction. Maybe just lucky. Firm believer in ounce of prevention.

Re: Which intranasal vaccine?

I had used Intra-trac 2 and had no reactions from adults but I did have reactions from puppies. The who litter came down with it after I vaccinated for it. I now use Progard KC and have had no reactions and no kennel cough cases. I vaccinate once a year and twice on dogs that are actively showing.

Re: Which intranasal vaccine?

I use Progard KC. Many years ago, I had a couple of dogs who got mild KC for a couple of days from Progard. ..better than the full-blown KC I had in an unvaccinated Lab.

Re: Which intranasal vaccine?

In the past I have always used Intervet through Revival. This last time the price of Intervet jumped up by quite a bit so I tried Fort Dodge. FD includes an attachment that fits over the syringe for easy application. I really like that feature.

Re: Which intranasal vaccine?

We used Naramune 2 from Revival.