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More Singleton questions

Hey everyone...

Thanks for the advice so far...but i have more questions.

Normally, with average size litters...i have introduced the puppy mush to them at 3 weeks, and start weaning by 4 weeks. My rule of thumb was ensuring pups eyes were open and walking around.

Our little "Solo" is up on her legs walking around, wobbly still but getting around. Definately not worried about her being 4lbs and a swimmer as she's up.
My question - mom is only interested in being in there for short periods of time now, and her milk is in, but not overly full given only one puppy nursing. Have any of you started puppy mush earlier than 3 weeks or should i continue to wait? I think she would take an interest in trying to eat, but her digestive tract would be my concern as she's still young. She is now 17 days old.


Re: More Singleton questions

Use mush now. Use it and do not worry a lick. If you feel compelled, add milk replacer or some such additive for palatability.


Re: More Singleton questions

With my one I did not up the mothers food at all. There was plenty of milk for just one. I did not start feeding until closer to 4 weeks this time. I usually do 3 weeks and start weaning at 5 wks and they are without mom by 6 wks. This one was still weaned at regular time.

Re: More Singleton questions

I did the same as breeder. I think I started adding mush closer to between 4-5 weeks. My little "onesy" was certainly not a lightweight on momma's milk either. She was one of the strongest pups I've had. I was so relaxed and didn't follow any previous pattern. Have fun with your pup!

Re: More Singleton questions

Mr. Haney
Use mush now. Use it and do not worry a lick. If you feel compelled, add milk replacer or some such additive for palatability.


If you do add a milk replacer try goats milk. It is great in gruel, healthy and the pups love it.

Do you have long time, breeders to be your mentors to guide you along with your singleton? When I had a singleton, I had a couple of mentors making suggestions all the way thru pre & post whelp until 9 weeks. Have they told you some singletons make the best show dogs later?

Re: More Singleton questions

Goats milk fan
Mr. Haney
Use mush now. Use it and do not worry a lick. If you feel compelled, add milk replacer or some such additive for palatability.


If you do add a milk replacer try goats milk. It is great in gruel, healthy and the pups love it.

Do you have long time, breeders to be your mentors to guide you along with your singleton? When I had a singleton, I had a couple of mentors making suggestions all the way thru pre & post whelp until 9 weeks. Have they told you some singletons make the best show dogs later?

You are all my long time breeders guiding me along. - but i do have lots of support around me - I'm sure i'll have some more questions as we move forward .
Noone, you are the first, that has told me some singletons make the best show dogs later. Appreciate that. I'm looking forward to running on this girl and hoping she turns out so well. It was a beautiful breeding- anticipated for some time now. And her being born during BOB at Potomac is a sign of next year's contender (hehe).

Thank you to everyone that has responded. We are going to be enjoying her in the all the weeks and hopefully years, to come.

Re: More Singleton questions

My singleton is a Ch CD RA JH WC. Yes, they can definitely be worth keeping!

Re: More Singleton questions

Give me hope Peggy...thank you. Those sure are alot of titles in there!

Re: More Singleton questions

Anyone around with a larger litter that would "lend" you two or three pups to raise along with your singleton?

Re: More Singleton questions

My suggestion with a singleton is to treat them like another dog when possible. Solo was only in the whelping box when no one was around. Otherwise she was lying in the living room with her mother and their other dog, even before her eyes were open! (Her co-breeders raised her for the first 7 weeks). She is intensely outgoing and social, very showy in the ring. I don't recall any puppy play dates, but lots of interactions with older dogs and people.

Re: More Singleton questions


I guess our kids weren't too original when they named our little girl Solo as well eh?? LOL.

Maybe a sign of good things to come and loads of titles too like your Solo??

We do keep her busy - out of the whelping box as well- with having our 2 kids and the other dogs...she will see how busy life can be . Of the others i've kept, only one has been "reserved" in temperament...everyone else has been rather confident and outgoing - and fun. So looking forward to the future already - let's just hope the conformation stays promising.


Appreciate everyone's feedback on this. as i mentioned, i'm sure i'll have more questions as time goes on. Thank you!

Re: More Singleton questions

Well, the perfect name is bound to occur to more than one person. My Solo was the only puppy her mother Diva (Ch Linamia's Magic Flute) ever had, so with the musical connection as well, the name just had to happen. Her registered name is Aria. I hope the name works well for you, too!