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Swimmer pup update

I want to thank everyone for all the great ideas/ hints to help my little guy. So today is Monday and for the last 48 hours he's been wearing his little sock sweater and seems to enjoy it. Hahaha

He is up moving around the box - he's actually walking now, is sleeping on his side when he's not draped over a toy or a littermate and no longer looks like a pancake in the whelping box. I've been propping him between towels etc to keep him on his side.

Now can anyone give me an idea how long he needs to wear his sweater once he's reliably on his feet? How long until I can expect to see a nice improvement in his ribs and little bow legs?

Re: Swimmer pup update

If he is walking, take the sweater off. Don't even bother checking his flattening. I guarantee it will go away, and you don't need to drive yourself nuts.