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doxycycline for kennel cough

Is it safe to give this to 5mth. old pups that have have kennel cough. I know there was a post on this a few days ago but I can't find it now. How old should pups be where it does not affect the teeth and bones?

Re: doxycycline for kennel cough

Doxy is pretty strong for just kennel cough. What does your vet recommend?

Re: doxycycline for kennel cough

not until their adult teeth are in.

Re: doxycycline for kennel cough

my vet has always said the cephalexin, but it seems this new strain is stronger and I have heard of many breeders using the doxycycline and they are thru it in a week or so. One dose per day of the 100mg doxycycline. I am just concerned about the youngsters.

Re: doxycycline for kennel cough

Doxy is a proven treatment for mycoplasma and many strains of KC are mycoplasma based. Thus the reason for treating with Doxy. However, you never know for sure if KC is mycoplasma is responsible for the KC until you use the doxy. Keflex when given for KC is really only to ward off secondary infection, not treat the KC.

I had a litter of 2 week old puppies come down with severe KC last fall. My vet put all of them on doxy. I expressed concerns of long term tooth damage and she brought the drug book in to show me. It specifically states that once tooth enamel is present there is little concern for damage. My 2 week old puppies are now 7 months old and no one had any tooth damage. I always recommend you ask your own vet but in my experience you shouldn't have anything to worry about with a 5 month old puppy.

Re: doxycycline for kennel cough

My 5 month old picked up the Potomac kennel cough from one of the other dogs, Normally I do not run to the vet for kennel cough but she was the worst I have ever seen from it so I thought better safe than sorry. He gave me clavamox and a prescription cough suppressent. She was sick for about a week then it subsided and she is all better now.

Re: doxycycline for kennel cough

Thanks for your input I will check with my vet also on the doxy I have never personally used it for kennel cough but good to know that others have tried it with great success.

Re: doxycycline for kennel cough

I just did a 7-day treatment of Amoxicillin on 4week old puppies who got kennel cough. Worked like a charm.

Re: doxycycline for kennel cough

Thanks Liz and to others who recommended the doxy for kennel cough. Just since my last post I have given for two days after talking to my vet further and I have no coughing, no green drainage from the nose and a total turn around from a couple days ago. This was the worse case I have ever had and I am so relieved. I will use the doxy from now on.