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inter-digital dermatitis?

My gal was lame out back and when I examined closely she has a dermatitis between her pads She is two and this is new for her, never had any issues with ears etc in the past. But now she is all red and has some small sores between her pads which i think is called inter-digital dermatitis? What can I do to clear it up and stop it from coming back.

Re: inter-digital dermatitis?

Has she been licking her feet? She may need an antibiotic if there's a bacterial infection. She may also have a yeast infection, which will require a different medication. Sounds like a trip to the vet is your best bet.

Re: inter-digital dermatitis?

It smells yeasty (like a yeasty ear). And yes this morning I saw her licking her feet now that I think about it.

Re: inter-digital dermatitis?

She may need oral anti-fungal medications as using cream is just not practical on the feet.

You can also try soaking her feet twice daily with a Burrows Solution foot bath.

Re: inter-digital dermatitis?

It sounds like she's suffering from environmental allergies. She's just about the age when they first appear. They could be seasonal, meaning they'll be better or even disappear at different times of the year. Or she could have them year-round. I have a Lab with severe environmental allergies, and he gets the redness and sores from licking his itchy feet. It's a yeast infection complicated by a bacterial infection where the skin has broken down. Your best bet is to take her to a veterinary dermatologist. It's pricey, but worth it in the long run. My dog is on a combination of anti-fungal meds, anthistamines, and allergy shots.