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Checking show dog's mouths in the ring?

Question here: With conformation judges checking each dog's bite in the ring, I have often wondered about the consequential transmission of disease in show dogs. do you think that kennel cough and other highly contagious diseases might be somewhat avoided by having the handler show the bite rather than having the judge put their hands into every dog's mouth? and if you agree that this might help lower the incidence of contagious disease, what would it take to get AKC to listen to our concern and consider changing the way the mouth is handled?

Re: Checking show dog's mouths in the ring?

great question. I would like to know more about this too and what we can do about it.

Re: Checking show dog's mouths in the ring?

Having the handler show the dog's bite shouldn't be a big issue. In many of the other breeds, mainly working breeds, the handlers always show the bite.

Re: Checking show dog's mouths in the ring?

Actually AKC has asked us to have the handlers show the bite for that reason. We are limited in the time we can take to examine each dog so it really helps to practice with your dog so that they stand still while you show the bite. I know this is a tough one with puppies and some dogs just don't like it, but whenever possible we should be doing this.

Re: Checking show dog's mouths in the ring?

Judges always have containers of cleaning wipes at their tables, if they have to check the bite themselves, I dont see a reason why they cant wipe their hands. You have a second to spare... Even have the wipe in your pocket.

Re: Checking show dog's mouths in the ring?

Even if the judge is checking bites manually, you can request to show the bite yourself. Be sure you can do it quickly and thoroughly by practicing. Simply smile and say, "May I show you the bite?" - then do so.

Re: Sanitizing wipes - ingrediants ?

how safe are the chemical ingrediants in these wipes?
Judge wipes their hands and then directly places them into our dogs mouths? no thank you, I would prefer to show my own dog's bite

Re: Sanitizing wipes - ingrediants ?

Oh Geez people. Yes, dog show germs suck, but how long have dogs been showing bites? Almost a century I believe.

You're going to catch something at a dog show every once in a while, treat it as good for their immune system and move on.

In the threat of something very serious, then absolutely, extreme measures should be taken, but really, are we breeding wimpy dogs that need to live in a bubble?

Maybe I'm different because I bring my dogs to dog parks too, but I'm all for the spreading of kennel cough the natural way and natural immunity. What happened to 'if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger'? I don't vaccinate for kennel cough and haven't had it for 11 years, am I due? YES. Will I blame the judges at a show? NOPE. And for more serious than kennel cough, I had one come home from a show and have diarrhea for two days. Its like children in day care! Even if we're showing our own bites, the dogs still have to walk to the ring, do they not?

Now mind you I am very careful and of course my sick dogs go to the vet, so no flames about that please.

Re: Checking show dog's mouths in the ring?

That won't lead the judge to think you have a less than friendly dog?

Re: Checking show dog's mouths in the ring?

Take your choice... worrying about what germs/viruses the judge is spreading to your dog's mouth or worrying about what (s)he is thinking. If the judge isn't observant enough to tell the dog's general temperament during the rest of the examination, then you probably wasted your money entering anyway

Re: Checking show dog's mouths in the ring?

WOW. . . I guess it takes a lot of dogs getting really sick for exhibitors to finally bring up this issue. Without exception, exhibitors should show the bites. Judges should be told in advance by club presidents, etc. that exhibitors will show bites.

Never have I seen any judge wipe his hands with sanitizing wipes in between each dog he examines.

Kennel Cough is a big nuisance, but what would happen if a weird strain of Parvo reared its ugly head at a big dog show?

Let's get mean, folks, for our dogs!

Re: Checking show dog's mouths in the ring?

Great to hear the AKC has requested that handlers show the bite of there dog. I wish this were more widely know both by judges and exhibitors - this was a big part of my post. How can we make this more widely known to judges and exhibitors? As far as sanitizing wipes - cleaning hands between each dog would take too much time - and the chemicals involved for all concerned wouldn't be good.