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Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

I have a lovely black male with a gorgeous, correct head. Because the general public is used to seeing poorly bred Labs with narrow heads and long noses, I am constantly being asked if my Lab is a mix. I have tried to educate people by saying that, actually my dog is what a Lab is supposed to look like. Some people seem to take offense as they have had or know someone with backyard bred Labs. I am extremely frustrated about this. Can anyone offer me a "nice" way of educating people about what Labs are supposed to look like or should I just give up trying?

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

You can continue to try & educate or just say "No" when asked if your dog is a mix and leave it at that. If more questions are asked and the one asking is receptive, you can educate if you feel like it. JMHO

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

I just pleasantly say "no - he's an English style lab, very different from the field labs with skinny heads." That usually does the trick.

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

A postscript - people are more likely to be open to education if you don't do it in a way that sounds like a put down to their/ their friend's or family's beloved lab. Making someone defensive won't get you anywhere.

I explain it as differences, not as "my lab is better than everyone else's lab."

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

I have a lovely black male with a gorgeous, correct head.

In your opinion. In the opinion of those who have to ask if it is a Rottweiler mix, it is obviously not gorgeous or correct for a Lab. Like you, these people know what they like. Don't presume to "educate" them to your taste, which may also be skewed. Just say that Labradors around the world vary a great deal and your dog has the Labrador look you prefer.

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

Exactly!!! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!!!

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

yes, there are many show bred labs that don't have a correct head and do resemble rotties, I see some that have way too much jowel too

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

I have had great success answering this question by actually writing down the web site address of the akc. We all know that, from there I direct them to read the standard of the Labrador. I also give them my e mail address and tell them AFTER reading the standard for a Labrador e mail me if you have more questions. Now for us, I understand we all have our views on the standard and how it's written. But when this type of person reads it, they immediately know what they have just seen is not a mix but rather bred to standard.

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

Another good and repetitive question I am asked is, "what kind of dog is that?" The usual follow up comment is "wow, I have never seen a Labrador like this before!" 99.9% of the time these people have a geniune interest and like what they see. I wouldn't let it get to you.

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

yes, there are many show bred labs that don't have a correct head and do resemble rotties, I see some that have way too much jowel too

Agreed but some people don't know a correct looking Lab. They are used to seeing BYB or PM labs that are shipped coast to coast. When they see a finished Ch. lab, they will say things just as the OP described. I've had it happen to me and my dogs do not large jowls or overdone heads. I don't like that look and prefer a clean look.

Usually the people that ask have a fieldy looking lab at the end of their own lead.

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

I've never had a problem just saying "He's an English style lab". I usually get an "OHHH" like they have heard about "that kind" before. If they seem open to wanting to talk, I will tell them that this is the style that typically gets shown.

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

I have been in Labs for 20 years and so I do know something about what a Lab should look like. I try hard not to sound mean or condescending when I suggest that my Lab is correct according to the standard. It is just so frustrating that most of the general public does not know what a Lab should look like because of all of the poorly bred specimens out there! I had a neighbor ask me for about the third time if my Lab was purebred because he doesn't look like the extremely poor quality Lab that he had purchased from a pet store! I have tried saying that my Lab comes from show lines but people don't always understand that. I have tried to avoid saying he is English style because I hate to perpetuate that there are two distinct types of Labs. It's just a sore point with me and I appreciate the positive, helpful feedback that I received. I always appreciate that people are willing to give of their time and knowledge to help me out when I have a question. Thanks!

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

My dogs are in no way overdone and I've had those kinds of comments multiple times (usually when I am at the vet's office, for some reason). I don't let it bother me - after all, many pet people have never seen a well bred labrador so I just try to explain a little bit about the different types of labs.

You should see their faces when I have my mismarked girl with me and they insist that she must be a mixed breed. Her mismark covers her shoulder and half of her chest, so it can't be missed. You can just see them thinking that I must have gotten taken to the cleaners when I bought that "obviously mixed breed" dog. Even explaining that I owned her mother and know exactly what her lineage is doesn't cut it with most people:) I just think it's funny.

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

Happens to me all the time. People don't want to be wrong. I had one guy at the vet insist that my BISS bitch wasn't a purebred lab - because his uncle has a Lab and it didn't look anything like mine. There was no convincing him - he wanted to tell me that I had been ripped off by the breeder. Thing is, I bred her! I just tell them that this is the way Labs are supposed to look. If I get pushback on hunting ability, that's an easy one. My Labs can and do hunt all day. Then there are the people who say that my chocolate isn't a Lab because chocolate Labs are hyper and mine isn't. Sometimes there is no possibility of enlightening the ignorant. Eventually I just say "whatever" and move on.

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

I say carry around a head shot of a correct Rott. In my opinion these is NO comparison. They look NOTHING alike and you don't have to have a serious dog education to see it.
Over the years I have been asked if my oldest yellow bitch is a beagle mix (HUH?) and even if she was a Rhodesian Ridgeback!!

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

People don't want to be wrong.

And there is the whole issue in a nutshell. Entering into a contentious discussion about YOUR dog is a no-win scenario. The person who was rude enough to ask if it was a Lab/Rottweiler mix because they think they know about dogs is invested in his opinion. You are invested in defending the "my dog's better than your dog" position. It is difficult to spread any real education in this situation. What you get is just a display of egos - because people don't want to be wrong.

Next time try what another poster suggested, give them the web address for AKC or the LRC. That is non-confrontational, potentially educational AND they won't go away thinking Lab breeders are pretentious jerks

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

I just say that my dog is bred to conform to the AKC breed standard and that they can find the standard on the AKC website.

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

Thanks again to everyone for some wonderful ideas. I enjoyed hearing your stories and now I don't feel so alone! LOL I think I'll take the suggestion to say that my dog was bred to the AKC standard and suggest they can get good information from either the AKC or the LRC website.

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

Connie, if the situation warrants and you feel like it..... make up a new & improved "type" of labrador (Moroccan, Tonganese, Inuit or whatever) and tell them that's what your boy is! [This is meant to be taken VERY tongue in cheek of course}

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

CM, Now there's an idea! LOL

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

Remember to practice your "poker" face for when you tell them about this "new & very RARE breed"....

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

Labs with narrow heads and pointy noses are primarily from field lines, what makes you think that this is a fault?

Re: Is that a Lab / Rottweiler mix?

Labs with narrow heads and pointy noses are primarily from field lines, what makes you think that this is a fault?

The Labrador Retriever standard.