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Potomac photo

I just received my Potomac photo , and it is with out a doubt the BEST dog show photo I have ever received. We all know how we dread to open that cardboard mailer, but rest assured , there is no disappoitment here !

Re: Potomac photo

I just received my Potomac photo , and it is with out a doubt the BEST dog show photo I have ever received. We all know how we dread to open that cardboard mailer, but rest assured , there is no disappoitment here !

So glad to hear someone else was as happy as I was with mine that arrived today also. Thanks to the Potomac photographer for a beautiful job of capturing exactly what I wanted. It is also my best show picture yet.

Re: Potomac photo

me too!!! me too!!!
Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!

Re: Potomac photo

I got mine today, too -- and they are wonderful! I can't imagine a nicer photo of this special win. Thanks, Betsy -- you did a great job!

Re: Potomac photo

Does Betsy have a website that we can see the win photos at?

Re: Potomac photo

Yes, we would love to see this fantastic photography - every single pic taken!

Re: Potomac photo

why don't you suggest this to Her and maybe she will?

Re: Potomac photo

why don't you suggest this to Her and maybe she will?

Mark, bdr2 is being sarcastic.

To quote the photographer in the original thread regarding posting all photographs publicly

Here is the linky from the original thread.

*After little discussion, the idea of posting photos on my website was nixed as I am a firm believer in the owner having the right to display (or not) an image of their dog for the world to see. That is not my decision as a photographer. Should you like my photo of the dog and want to share it, I have made that easy by including a complimentary web quality image. If I were to show photos on a website, you would have paid a sitting fee before you stepped foot in front of my camera *.

Some breeders don't want photographs of their dogs or themselves on websites. If the photographer was hired to do photographs of the entire show then it would be different. She was hired to do win photographs right?

TKDogs was not there this year to give us a display of some good pictures but also charge a hefty amount for a DVD that was not contracted. That was not approved by the LRCP so it didn't happen this year. Although I enjoyed some of the photo's, I didn't like seeing a cost of more then $200 for a non-hired photographer to burn a DVD for sale.

Photographers can't make everyone happy all of the time. I think Elizabeth did an excellent job and doesn't deserve sarcasm or some of the comments made. All I am hearing from others is how great the photos are that have been recieved so far. I am also very happy with mine.

Thank you Elizabeth!

Re: Potomac photo

I've hired professional photographers to photograph my dogs during private sessions. I've selected my photographers based on the photos I saw on their websites, other breeders' websites and in the LQ. My photographs, eventhough they were paid for by me, still have certain rights retained by the photographer and therefore can be used without my permission to advertise examples of their work. My photos always look great and show my dogs off at their best. My professional photographers only display photographs of dogs that any owner/breeder/exhibitor would approve of. In fact I often get referrals for stud service and show puppies from people who have viewed their work.
I guess this is the difference between this photographer, not having the confidence to get photographs that do her clients' dogs justice. By her own words, "Should you like my photo of the dog and want to share it" tells me she lacks confidence in herself to get photos that will satisfy her customers. As such a photographer, I would never hire someone like this. Granted she did show photos which can be a little trickier in getting the best shots, but at the same time, a self-proclaimed perfectionist should be able to bring out the best in each dog. And when I need a win photo taken I will also go out of my way to use show photographers I know who do better win photos than others if they are available.

I know some of you will be upset with my opinion and call me names because I disagree with your opinion of your friend's work, but knowing the type of photos I would prefer and like to see, she does not meet my expectations of the type of work professional photographers do. I have seen some of her photos from the Potomac and so far would not pay for any of them! While the mechanics that go into making a good photo are there in some (proper lighting, angles, etc), all the dogs are either over stretched, missing legs, sun in the wrong position or shot at the wrong angles.

I wasn't gonna say anything, but I'm growing tired of the bullying going on here about those who disagree or have bad photos or are being sarcastic. Those people are being dismissed by a few of the photographer's friends. No you can't please all of the people all of the time, but we are all certainly entitled to our opinion. And to the handful of people on here praising her works, I say I'm glad you're happy or it's nice she has supportive friends. But from an outsider's point of view, I see nothing so fabulous about her work and would never hire her. I guess maybe I'm just so pleased with the work that my current photographer does, that there's just no comparison

Re: Potomac photo

Pamela, please post links to your web site, then, so we can all admire the wonderful photos. If you are proud of your dog's photos, then why not link to them? Or could there be another reason for remaining anonymous?

Re: Potomac photo

Yes, I too would love to see such lovely photos. If you feel that strongly to post such a lengthy , negative attitude, why not stand up and own your opinion? You took alot of time out of your day to try to make someone feel so bad , how strange !

Re: Potomac photo

Anderson and Shalane, I echo both of you. I would also like to see what Pamela is proud of.

Re: Potomac photo

Hi Pamela!

As far as quality of a photographer's work, there is also an element of style involved. Just as in wedding photography or child photography, dog photographers have definite styles. You may like a style or hate a style. It does not mean a photograph is better (excellent composition, perfect exposure, right depth of field, colors spot on), just that you respond differently to a particular style used by a specific photographer to capture the dog's image.

You love your photographer's work and that's great. Others seeing his or her work, might not agree with you, and that's fine too, because they may like someone else's style better. Photography is as much an art as it is a profession. We are not all robots, and we all photograph according to what we think presents the dog in the best light. You don't have to like all our work; just the photographer whose style suits you.

Re: Potomac photo

It won't be long before there isn't a photographer left that will subject themselves to working at Potomac. I doubt that this year's photographer will be able to retire on the windfall she receives from her work this year. I bet right about now she is thinking that there is no way in h*ll it is worth putting up with the likes of Pamela that is so pleased with her own private photographer, that she is beyond pleasing and neurotic enough to sit down and write a poison pen letter to this forum to share her misery. Tell you what Pamela, why don't you step up and throw your own private photographer under the bus and volunteer her for Potomac photographer next year. I'm sure she will thank you for it.

Re: Potomac photo

I've hired professional photographers to photograph my dogs during private sessions. I've selected my photographers based on the photos I saw on their websites, other breeders' websites and in the LQ. My photographs, eventhough they were paid for by me, still have certain rights retained by the photographer and therefore can be used without my permission to advertise examples of their work. My photos always look great and show my dogs off at their best. My professional photographers only display photographs of dogs that any owner/breeder/exhibitor would approve of. In fact I often get referrals for stud service and show puppies from people who have viewed their work.
I guess this is the difference between this photographer, not having the confidence to get photographs that do her clients' dogs justice. By her own words, "Should you like my photo of the dog and want to share it" tells me she lacks confidence in herself to get photos that will satisfy her customers. As such a photographer, I would never hire someone like this. Granted she did show photos which can be a little trickier in getting the best shots, but at the same time, a self-proclaimed perfectionist should be able to bring out the best in each dog. And when I need a win photo taken I will also go out of my way to use show photographers I know who do better win photos than others if they are available.

I know some of you will be upset with my opinion and call me names because I disagree with your opinion of your friend's work, but knowing the type of photos I would prefer and like to see, she does not meet my expectations of the type of work professional photographers do. I have seen some of her photos from the Potomac and so far would not pay for any of them! While the mechanics that go into making a good photo are there in some (proper lighting, angles, etc), all the dogs are either over stretched, missing legs, sun in the wrong position or shot at the wrong angles.

I wasn't gonna say anything, but I'm growing tired of the bullying going on here about those who disagree or have bad photos or are being sarcastic. Those people are being dismissed by a few of the photographer's friends. No you can't please all of the people all of the time, but we are all certainly entitled to our opinion. And to the handful of people on here praising her works, I say I'm glad you're happy or it's nice she has supportive friends. But from an outsider's point of view, I see nothing so fabulous about her work and would never hire her. I guess maybe I'm just so pleased with the work that my current photographer does, that there's just no comparison

????especially this part - "I'm growing tired of the bullying going on here about those who disagree or have bad photos or are being sarcastic. Those people are being dismissed by a few of the photographer's friends."

I sure have not seen any "bullying" except for the ones whining & complaining. I've been hearing a bunch of cr*p, though. Time for a chill pill.

Re: Potomac photo

When taking photographs I always remember the age old adage:
"You can't please all of the people all of the time."

I have taken some photos that I think are pretty nice of a "so so" dog making him look better than he is yet when I hand them over to the owner I get a complaint that he's "looks" too long or like he has no front, etc when guess what he is too long and has no front!