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Pregnant girl off food

First time mom, about day 22 or so went off her food. Some vomiting at first and normal icky morning sickness but this is now going on over a week now with not wanting to eat anything but Rollover type food with a little cooked liver mixed in.

Normal or a sign of something wrong? Any other suggestions for food or getting her to eat her kibble?


Re: Pregnant girl off food

One girl of mine did this for about a week at about the same time frame. She got over it and had 9 puppies. Always go to your vet for advice though. Good luck. I have one in the whelping box right now. Unfortunately it's not where she wants to be. She'd rather go for under the shed!

Re: Pregnant girl off food

If my girls do this, I give them a couple of plain biscuits 15 minutes before feeding. It settles their stomach and then they eat their normal diet just fine.

Re: Pregnant girl off food

I did try biscuits and those won't do either. So, I just went today and bought some rice and hanburger and will try mixing with her food. I have a vet appt. so we'll see what they say. I just have never had it go on this long, so am a little worried.
Thanks for the replies! Hopefully she will get back to normal soon.

Re: Pregnant girl off food

It sounds like morning sickness to me. She should get better, give her a little time and try feeding her at different hours of the day. She might feel better eating mid-day for example.

It sounds like you have a girl in whelp. :-) She'll come around about eating. If she doesn't, give your vet a ring.

Re: Pregnant girl off food

Hard boiled egg used here twice a day before kibble is given for a similar girl.

Re: Pregnant girl off food

I had a similar problem with my girls first litter. She never got over it, I stood on my head trying to feed her. Then I found this recipe, healthy and she loved it. She still didn't eat like some pregnant girls, but at least I knew she was getting some nutrition. Good luck.
From SUCCESFUL DOG BREEDING The Complete Handbook of Canine Midwifery by Chris Walkowicz and Bonnie Wil-cox, DVM; Prentiss Hall Press, New York 1985
Soooooper Chicken
Save all your poultry skin, bones and unwanted pieces. Place them in a Crockpot and cover with water. This is also a good way to make use of leftover broths and vegetables and their juices. Sprinkle with garlic salt or powder. Cook on high for five hours. Turn to low for another twenty hours.
Scoop broth, bones and all, into a blender. Make sure the bones are soft (large turkey bones must cook longer). Blend on high until completely liquid. Pour into containers and refrigerate or freeze, defrosting as needed. The mixture looks like chocolate pudding. Stir one heaping spoonful into regular meal .

Re: Pregnant girl off food

Thanks! If she doesn't start eating soon, this is what I will try. I did do rice cooked in chicken broth tonight, but she only picked at it. She is eating the Natural Balance roll fairly well and liver, but I don't think I should give her too much liver. But Man, I have never had a girl like this during morning sickness....usually just a couple days and we're back to eating like a labrador. She did eat a biscuit tonight too, but only because someone else would have gotten it if she didn't eat it.

Hoping it will get better soon! She is obviously pregnant! right?

Re: Pregnant girl off food

Be VERY careful with liver - too much given to a pregnant bitch can cause cleft palates in puppies because of excessive levels of Vitamin A.

Just something to keep in mind when feeding those picky girls.

Re: Pregnant girl off food

I hope it is just morning sickness, but please have the vet check her for possible pyo. Just in case. Been there, done that, about the same time, when my bred bitch went off food, but didn't rebound in a couple days. Turns out she was very stoic and it was a closed pyo. Thankfully, we got to her in time. It's probably morning sickness, but when it's not, or when it goes on too long, a pregnancy confirmation ultrasound and bloodwork might be in order.

Re: Pregnant girl off food

Go to the REPO vet and check her for PYRO!

Pyometra? Re: Pregnant girl off food

Clarification: By pyo I meant "pyometra" or "pyometritis," with "pyo" as in pus, and "metra" referring to the uterus. I hope it is not that and that the girl just likes extra yummy food. Let us know what the vet finds. May your girl be well!