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Puppy Vaccinations

Hi I have a question regarding Vaccines. I have two different vets giving me two different answers. Imagine that! :-)

First Vet is telling me: DHPP at 6 weeks & 10 weeks, after 12 weeks DHLPP up to 16 weeks. So it is every 4 weeks.

Next Vet is telling me (and I have never heard of this before): DHPP at 6 Weeks, DHLPP at 9 Weeks, DHlPP at 12 Weeks, DHPP at 15-16 weeks, DHPP at 19 Weeks.

HELP! Did something change that I am not aware of since my last puppy? I have never given Lepto at 9 weeks.

Re: Puppy Vaccinations

You could ask why they are pushing for the lepto then, as in current outbreaks in your area. You could also ask if they are sure the puppy won't react. If you are not comfortable, just say, "No, thanks" to the lepto at that young age.

I and my vets would do the distemper and parvo by about 9 weeks of age, certainly, and sooner if there is a risk of increased exposure. Vaccinating for everything at 6 weeks I was told delayed the effectiveness of the vaccines, but that may no longer be true with high titer vaccines.

Of course, you could always just ask a third vet for more confusion!

Re: Puppy Vaccinations

I follow Jean Dodds vaccination protcol.

Re: Puppy Vaccinations

We do Vanguard at 7 1/2 weeks (approx), 11 weeks , 14 1/2 weeks and do the KC at the 11 weeks and rabies at 16 weeks (no lepto)

I don't like giving them too much at one time

Re: Puppy Vaccinations

Thanks for the help! I contacted several vets in our area and we are not having issues with Lepto. We are having problems with Parvo in our area. I am very unsure as to why this vet is pushing it, but I am definately not going to go with their vaccine schedule! I am going to do like I always do (I found the book in which I wrote down my vaccine schedules for all of my other puppies) it works for my dogs! Thank you for the link to Jean Dodds Vaccine Schedule, the site is most informative.

My main concern was making sure I was doing the right thing by my puppies. That's the most important thing.