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Tails going Up at 7 weeks!

My friend is going to pull her hair out!
Has a very nice litter of pups that are 7 weeks old.
She has made her choice as to the one she wants to keep and plans on selling the other four.
This week, her pick pup has started to carry her tail WAY up, almost to the point that it starts to curve over her back!
The girl had a nice tail set all along and did carry it high at times but never with such a curve like this! There is one other pup that is almost doing the same.
Any comments? Is this something that happens at this age? Will the tail go back down? Help please!!!

Re: Tails going Up at 7 weeks!

How do mum and dad carry their tails? Puppies often fly their flag high and when they get a bit older things settle down where they belong. However, watch the parents carefully. If one carries it's tail high, or heaven forbid both do, well ...