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Mildly cystic uterus

I had my 4 year old girl in for a surgical insemination yesterday and got a note back from the vet doing the surgical that she had a mildly cystic uterus but normal ovaries. I wasn't able to talk with my vet directly, only the technician, so have a call in to my vet to get clarification regarding exactly what was meant by that comment. What's mild? 2? 10? 20?

Just curious if others have a brood bitch with this condition and what your pregnancy results were with her. If you did have a girl with uterine cysts get pg, how many pups did she have and did the problem tend to recur in the line in subsequent generations?

Re: Mildly cystic uterus

Has she been bred before with success?

Re: Mildly cystic uterus

A cystic uterus creates an environment for pyometra and I would watch for the symptoms carefully.
One of the benefits of a surgical insemination is that the uterus can be inspected. Cystic lining looks like bubble wrap and the whelps can't implant. My vet has been successful getting cystic bitches pregnant by popping the cysts before inseminating. Good luck and in spite of what you may read, pyo can begin very soon after estrus.

Re: Mildly cystic uterus

They come from all the heats the bitch had and wasn't bred. The progesterone wrecks havoc on the uterine lining. The nice thing about an inplant is the vet has the opportunity to pop them, so you get better implantation.