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Bacterial Infection and drug of choice for pregnant bitches ??

Does anyone know of the best SAFE Antibiotic to give my pregnant girl who has some sort of bacterial infection ( loose, ongoing stools ) ??

I had already been treating our other girl for Giardia and then Coccidia with no luck so I took her to my vets who put her on a med for bacterial infection. This med is not safe for pregnant bitches though.

I'm just trying to get some opinions on a good all around antibiotic safe to give to pregnant bitches then I can take this information to one of my vets .

Our girl is 2 weeks pregnant and I want to get this mess cleaned up before she whelps her pups.

Re: Bacterial Infection and drug of choice for pregnant bitches ??

Amoxi..500mg twice a day. It also works great for post whelping tummy problems:>)

Re: Bacterial Infection and drug of choice for pregnant bitches ??

Thanks but how many days should I give her the Amoxi to get rid of her bacterial infection ?