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i just started my 13 yr old Great Dane on the trixsyn I heard about it thru a co-worker who has a 11 yr old boxer and swears by it. the date is 05/06/10 i will post a comment in a couple of weeks keep your fingers crossed that it will be a good one.

Re: trixsyn

I have a 14 yr old dog on this and the improvement is unbelieveable. I think you will find that you will get good results.

Re: trixsyn

I have read that hyaluronic acid doesn't do much for the very old and advanced OA. I hope it works for your Dane, it can be a miracle for some dogs. Good Luck!

Re: trixsyn

Always a sour grape in the bunch. You have read? Have you used this product? I have and it works great for my old dog!

Re: trixsyn

Can you tell us about Trixsyn? What does it expected to do for your old one?

Re: trixsyn

i just started my 13 yr old Great Dane on the trixsyn I heard about it thru a co-worker who has a 11 yr old boxer and swears by it. the date is 05/06/10 i will post a comment in a couple of weeks keep your fingers crossed that it will be a good one.

I hope this works for your dog. Is trixsyn similar to any other doggy arthritis medication like Deramaxx or Rimadyl or is it completely different than the name brands I am aware of? I have a 13 year old Lab that could use some help noticed in recent weeks and I want to try to stay away from Rimadyl. TIA for any information. I hope trixsyn works for your Great Dane.

Re: trixsyn

another breeder
Always a sour grape in the bunch. You have read? Have you used this product? I have and it works great for my old dog!

Not being a sour grape, just realistic, this Dane is 13 years old. If you do your research you will find a study that will tell you that one of the subjects that had very advanced OA did not show improvement.

I use and recommend Trixsyn. Another brand name for liquid hyaluronic acid is Lubrisyn. The powdered form of HA is cheaper (made from cock combs and sternums) and not as effective and actually has inflammatory properties. Liquid HA is made from mico-organisims, is odorless, tasteless and has no possibility for an adverse reaction. Results usually seen within 2 weeks but usually sooner. You can double the dose for the first week.

Google for more info. Some have called it the fountain of youth, results similar to adequan.

Re: trixsyn

can you only purchase this on the trixsyn site? is it the same as lubricyn?

Re: trixsyn

I have only found that you can purchase it on this site so far, but I am not certain of that. You could do more research and see if it can be purchased elsewhere. You can call the number on the site and they will explain to you the differences between trixsyn & lubricyn. They are very knowledgeable so I will leave it to the experts. I know that lubricyn should not be used with vitamin C and trixsyn is safe to use with vitamin C.