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Labrador do you feel about seeing a ZIPPER on a dog you are judging

Would be very interested in what you think if all other dogs are equal or nearly equal in structure.

Re: Labrador do you feel about seeing a ZIPPER on a dog you are judging

JMHO but it would likely depend on the judge's preference if everything else was equal.

Re: Labrador do you feel about seeing a ZIPPER on a dog you are judging

Do you know any judges that would prefer to see a zipper on a dog's face as opposed to one that doesn't?
I don't.

Re: Labrador do you feel about seeing a ZIPPER on a dog you are judging

I've never asked any judges that I know so can't say - interesting questions though.

Re: Labrador do you feel about seeing a ZIPPER on a dog you are judging

Not a judge but, it seems like zippers are something people either like or dislike. There does not seem to be much middle ground.

I seriously think that a judge would not dismiss a dog because of a zipper. I don't think a judge would go out of the way to put up a dog with a zipper either.

All things being equal, a zipper MIGHT influence a judge's choice between 2 otherwise equal dogs. I think this is pretty much a non-issue.

Re: Labrador do you feel about seeing a ZIPPER on a dog you are judging

I agree, this seems like a non-issue, more of a preference than anything. But Starfish seems to think this is a big issue based on recent posts.

Re: Labrador do you feel about seeing a ZIPPER on a dog you are judging

Ya know, most zippers do not hurt a thing. Sometimes they do give a harsher look. But alot have that without a zipper. Some yellows have shades on the face. Some have wrinkles on the brow, across the nose. As long as that dog has a nice body don't think it would get judge by the zipper. I don't look twice.

Re: Labrador do you feel about seeing a ZIPPER on a dog you are judging

While we were waiting to have our photo taken I asked Annie Clark what she thought of zippers since our girl, Alibi, has one running down her face and Mrs. Clark had just given her a major and group 4. Her reply was "why would that make any difference to the Judge, it's just hair".

Re: Labrador do you feel about seeing a ZIPPER on a dog you are judging

If I had to start 'splitting hairs' for my final decision I would select the exhibit without the zipper if that was the only thing left upon which to split two equally good specimens.

Same situation as a breeder. I would opt for a puppy without a zipper if I had another puppy of equal quality. I would not discard a puppy with a zipper if in my opinion it was the best puppy.

Re: Labrador do you feel about seeing a ZIPPER on a dog you are judging

Terri Keller - Ducktales
While we were waiting to have our photo taken I asked Annie Clark what she thought of zippers since our girl, Alibi, has one running down her face and Mrs. Clark had just given her a major and group 4. Her reply was "why would that make any difference to the Judge, it's just hair".

Annie Clark's answer is what I'd hope a judges response would be. If a head is incorrect or harsh, it's the eye placement, ear set, etc... not the zipper. A zipper has nothing to do with the structure of the head. The standard says nothing about it. A clean look doesn't mean absence of a zipper.

Re: Labrador do you feel about seeing a ZIPPER on a dog you are judging

Terri Keller - Ducktales
While we were waiting to have our photo taken I asked Annie Clark what she thought of zippers since our girl, Alibi, has one running down her face and Mrs. Clark had just given her a major and group 4. Her reply was "why would that make any difference to the Judge, it's just hair".

With deep respect to Ann Rodgers Clark who was an excellent judge and highly regarded for her knowledge.....she was not a Labrador breeder.