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Conny Gutierrez Otero

Looking for info on this judge as to her likes/dislikes. Trying to decide who to enter under her.

Any info is appreciated...

Re: Conny Gutierrez Otero

Are you spelling it right? Don't see any past assignments. Has she judged in the US?

Re: Conny Gutierrez Otero

I think the spelling is right...I did find that she judged in California in Jan I think it was? Was just looking to see if anyone else had shown to her at all...

Re: Conny Gutierrez Otero

Could be Connie. Could also be Peggy Gutierrez-Otero, or maybe her sister.

Re: Conny Gutierrez Otero

Here's a link from the MB-F SITE

Re: Conny Gutierrez Otero

Here's a link from the MB-F SITE

Georgia has it right. Her name is listed as *Maria C.(Conny) Gutierrez-Otero*