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Show leads

Opinions wanted.

Is there a certain type that is always used on Labs? It seems like I see a lot of nylon slip collars and leads. Would using something else, like an all-in-one martingale lead or a Resco simplicity lead look out of place? Specifically, at all breed shows.

Labs are to be shown on a loose lead right?

Re: Show leads

Hi Laurel-
Everyone I see around here (NM, CO) uses show snake chain choke collars with a nice fancy show lead attached or a British slip lead. I have 2 puppies I am showing and they will be in the snake chain choke collars as I am sure they will be a little rambumctious and I want to keep them under control. Their dam is very well behaved and I use a very nice British slip lead on her.

I will be interested in hearing what others have to say and the styles may change with the region.
Hope that helps!

Re: Show leads

Alvalley has a beautiful, leather braided slip lead that I like alot. It holds up very well and softens more with some age.

Re: Show leads

My boy isn't quite ready yet for a slip lead so I use a leather choke collar and matching lead from this lady: