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Yellow Stud Dog Inquiry II

Just signed on the forum and saw my post was taken down. I am guessing the post went "BAD". I still would love insight from breeders about there favorite yellow boys that are out there. For those who did not get a chance to read my post, I am looking for yellow males who might be considered an "improver", who has shown to stamp his traits on his get. Older and experianced better, but I am open to a young boy who might have potential and be an "up and comer". I am including my e-mail so all future responses can be done only privately please. As I said before, I am geographically sheltered on the west coast and would love to know what else is out there!! Also, thank you for the people who e-mailed me, There was some great suggestions, some lovely dogs that I did not know were out there. This is exactly what I am looking for. Please contact me at Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Yellow Stud Dog Inquiry II

If everyone came on the forum and asked about studs instead of doing their own homework we would be on the forum every day for a month, because there are so many good studs. I live in the middle of the country, but I show and go to some specialties and look at Lab breeder websites in other parts of the country. You are the only one who knows best what your female needs to improve on. What you tell us she needs we may not agree with if we were to see her ourselves. We also know nothing about her temperament or clearances. You really need to talk to longtime breeders or your mentor about studs who would be good for your girl. Send some pictures of her to some breeders whose sites you like and then talk to them in person about their studs. If they don't have what you need then they might know another breeder who does.

Re: Yellow Stud Dog Inquiry II

My first post was more in depth. I do not mind doing "homework" or research. My question is more of expanding my pool of possible prospects. I understand not all dogs fit all girls. I am in So. Cal. and am very familiar with dogs on the west coast. However, even with speciality results, LQ, and other means, I feel there are still dogs out there that maybe are under my radar so to speak. Which allready has been proven by some e-mails that I have allready recieved. This request is more to expand my horizons and acquaint myself with dogs that I might not of known that were out there that have something to offer. I appreciate your advice, I have done all the things you have as well. What I am looking for is a different perspective, call it more of a local feel for each geographic location, not necessarily the top winning stud of the day, but one who has something to offer that may not be in the limelight for what ever reason. In my first post, I asked for what someone might have on their mental short list that intriges them, or better yet, something they have used or seen litters from that has produced nicely. From this sharing of info, I hope to be exposed to new dogs that are out there that I can research and learn something from to make better breeding decisions in the future.

Re: Yellow Stud Dog Inquiry II

We need to do our own homework. Go to shows, look at the pups that win, check the sire and dam, buy the LQ, listen to your mentor. Check the sites of the type of dogs you like. Someone always has to start nameing names, putting dogs down for this or that. It depends alot on your own female. The studs are just a part of it. Make sure you have something worth breeding. These are just very general comments to say, lets not even talk about this on here. You must have friends with opinions on studs.

Re: Yellow Stud Dog Inquiry II

I am the one who removed the thread, and if there is anymore mention of specific dogs, (by name) this one will be removed as well.

Maybe you are new to this forum, but this has always been one of the rules to follow. As a previous poster mentioned, this can easily turn into either bashing or advertising.

So please abide by this and PLEASE don't start a discussion on WHY this topic is not allowed. Please????


Re: Yellow Stud Dog Inquiry II

It's very hard to suggest a specific stud dog or pedigree that might help you improve what you have. Best to sit ringside and look at dogs that appeal to you, look at their pedigrees and see how that might work with your own lines. By just sitting by the dog ring from puppies to the end, you can see children of the adults and get a good impression of what they can do with a bitch such as your own. To mention specific dogs just doesn't work anyway. Every combination is different and every puppy within that combination is different. Good luck.