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Fixing coat

Recently there was a post where someone posted poor heads can be fixed in one generation. How about poor coat? Have any of you had a nice girl with all good qualities except a soft coat and was offspring the same or were you able to fix it?

Re: Fixing coat

The ability to "fix" or improve depends on what the bitch and stud are preponet for. (leave me alone on the spelling please ;)

I had a bitch from strong bitch lines who in one litter did not pick up the coat I wanted, in the 2nd with a different stud dog improved greatly on coat and more. Just depends on what "clicks" between the two.

Study the get from the stud and his lines and throw down those dice That's what makes it fun, right?

Re: Fixing coat

I have gotten better coats in one breeding the same way. If it is your female, it might take more time. Studs can't do it all. I don't agree that heads can be changed that quick. Going on history of others. You might get a nice head or two but will it be the pick pups anyway ? It is the roll of the dice.

Re: Fixing coat

The ability to "fix" or improve depends on what the bitch and stud are preponet for. (leave me alone on the spelling please ;)

So you know for next time, it is prepotent. ;-)

Re: Fixing coat

I went from minimal coat to too much coat in one generation!

Re: Fixing coat

I went from minimal coat to too much coat in one generation!

Too much coat or open coat? Any chance of the long coated gene?

Re: Fixing coat

Coats are hard and something I need badly. My bitch has a nice double coat but soft and the guard hairs are shorter. Bred to a nice stud with a good coat, one keeper got a bit more length on the coat which looks better but still soft. The other keeper got the harshness to touch, but all in all, both did not get more coat which is what I would have liked too. That was an outcross and honestly haven't seen too many get stick around long enough to really evaluate the stud. I was willing to take a chance and still pleased overall.

This time is a nice line breeding, so we'll see what the pups end up with. Dad, and his lines are notorious for nice coat and the dog we are breeding back on in beautiful. Fingers crossed.

Re: Fixing coat

No chance of fluffy gene. The coat is harsh to the hand, double, thick, and possibly somewhat open. I am waiting for the puppy coat to fall out so I can see exactly what I am dealing with.

Re: Fixing coat

No chance of fluffy gene. The coat is harsh to the hand, double, thick, and possibly somewhat open. I am waiting for the puppy coat to fall out so I can see exactly what I am dealing with.

Then why do you think it's too much coat? Open coat is different. Give the puppy a chance to grow in an adult coat. If it's correct coat, harsh to the hand with undercoat it doesn't sound like open coat. I've had it and seen it, you know it if you have it. It sticks out like a sore thumb.

I would rather have alot of correct coat than a slick coat without undercoat.

Re: Fixing coat

The ability to "fix" or improve depends on what the bitch and stud are preponet for. (leave me alone on the spelling please ;)

So you know for next time, it is prepotent. ;-)

Thanks! I HATE when I spell things I'll remember

Re: Fixing coat

No chance of fluffy gene. The coat is harsh to the hand, double, thick, and possibly somewhat open. I am waiting for the puppy coat to fall out so I can see exactly what I am dealing with.

Then why do you think it's too much coat? Open coat is different. Give the puppy a chance to grow in an adult coat. If it's correct coat, harsh to the hand with undercoat it doesn't sound like open coat. I've had it and seen it, you know it if you have it. It sticks out like a sore thumb.

I would rather have alot of correct coat than a slick coat without undercoat.

Slick coat doesn't mean there is a lack of undercoat and I don't thnk a thick coat that's open is correct either.