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Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

What is your opinion on Labradoodles?
I am not sure what to think.
I hear they are going to try to get recognized by AKC. Will this change everyones mind as far as them being legit?
What are they reasons they are hated so much?
Forgive me, I'm not well versed on this subject and it appears every breed was made up of a mix of other breeds, wasn't it?

Re: Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

Sure, the doodle folks can TRY to get the AKC to recognize their breed, but it's going to take more than over-saturating the market with the dogs to get that done.

One of the big problems with the dogs is that the breed type is not prepotent (if I am using the work right). Lab to Poodle produces the dog that folks like/want though some of the "qualities" like non-shed etc aren't always present in the litters. The problem I hear comes when you breed doodle to doodle; you don't get the same dog that the parents are. And until whatever these so called breeders are calling doodles actually produces the same type of dog when bred to a doodle, THEN they can start working on keeping a stud book, starting a club, etc. Until then they are only producing mutts.

It speaks volumes when the guy in Australia who had a noble purpose for the mix gave it up because it wasn't moving forward in the direction he was hoping for.

Re: Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

Thank you for your response.
What about the "F5" etc., types (I'm not even sure exactly what that means) that they claim are breeding "true"?
These are the Australian Doodles from what I understand?
I didn't know about the Australian guy, where can I find more info?

I am finding the whole concept rather distressing. We try so hard to breed good, healthy dogs and then these people try to claim their mutts are better and that they will become an AKC breed?

Re: Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

Go here to read about the LRC's statement on this subject and then go read the other articles.

Re: Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

IMO I highly doubt that this will happen in the foreseeable future. Their are a host of rare breeds that are recognized in other reputable kennel clubs around the world that the AKC has yet to recognize, the Boerboel, the wirehaired Vizla, the Argentine Dogo, etc. There are over 60 dogs accepted to the FSS that are still working on full AKC approval and all of these breeds have an established parent club and a breed standard in place. As it stands right now, the Labradoodle people couldn't possibly write a breed standard because there is not consistent type among them in a litter or from litter to litter. Look at the cockapoo people, they claimed that they were going to try and become an AKC recognized breed, but haven't seen or heard from them on that matter in a while. But hey, the AKC will allow then in performance events as mixed breeds, which they are.

Re: Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

This wikipedia article is a good place to start research if you want to look into the history of the dog. Gives the name of the Australian guy who started it.

Re: Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

Wally Conron and most of the other Australian *labradoodle breeders* sold out their breeding stock, mainly to the U.S. If what I was told by a few buyers, the American *breeders* were spending an average of $35,000 to $65,000 per dog at auction for some of these *multi-generational* mixed breed dogs.

Some of these sold dogs are being bred in the U.S. with their get commanding higher prices for these puppies known as *Australian Labradoodles*. Some mix them with 1st generation labradoodles or size them down to *miniatures* weighing in at 35#.

Will these be a known breed with the AKC some day too? I sure hope not. Up to 3 to 4 generations of mixing 2 breeds does not make a new breed. I consider them *designer dogs* that are mixed breeds. Jmo

Re: Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

At this point, Labradoodles do not have the consistency required to be registered as a separate breed. A groomer who is also a handler/breeder of Kerry Blue terriers told me most Labradoodles shed, grooming needed varies greatly from dog to dog as coat is not consistent between dogs, even when all at the same generational level. She said size and conformation varies just as widely - no consistency in what she sees, no "type".

This handler/groomer said most families feel "ripped off" by the Labradoodle breeders because they are told they are non shedding, which is false.

She said at this stage they are true "mutts". To be registered by AKC there has to be strong type and consistency - the Labradoodle does not have those components and I sure hope AKC realizes that.

Re: Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

Breeder Also
At this point, Labradoodles do not have the consistency required to be registered as a separate breed. A groomer who is also a handler/breeder of Kerry Blue terriers told me most Labradoodles shed, grooming needed varies greatly from dog to dog as coat is not consistent between dogs, even when all at the same generational level. She said size and conformation varies just as widely - no consistency in what she sees, no "type".

This handler/groomer said most families feel "ripped off" by the Labradoodle breeders because they are told they are non shedding, which is false.

She said at this stage they are true "mutts". To be registered by AKC there has to be strong type and consistency - the Labradoodle does not have those components and I sure hope AKC realizes that.

I've heard of some that shed also. More don't then do but as you said, there is no true consistency. The appearance to my eye is similar to a Standard Poodle. In most of them, I see no labrador traits and wonder if they even use Labs in some of their breedings to try to keep the non-shedding steady. Calling a dog an allergy free dog is horse manure. Dander is the 1st problem when people complain of allergies and even poodles have dander.

I also hope AKC doesn't get greedy and allow them to be registered. It's not a *breed*, it's a mutt, mixed breed that people think are a designer breed. Too many *stars* carry around the smaller ones making the public want a designer dog even more so they can be like *so and so*.

Everyone I know of that has them are happy with their looks, it's the personality that is tough. They can be hyper and difficult to train. Of the 4 people I know that have 1 or 2, all have needed a trainer to come in for many private lessons. They can't seem to handle the training of their pups of this *mixed-breed*. The Aussie pups seem to do better than the American newbie breeder pups. Maybe they choose the right pup for the right buyer, who knows as most are shipped as far as coast to coast.

The average cost is $2500 plus tax, shipping and sometimes a fee for spay-neuter at such a young age. These *breeders* don't want competition down the road so the demand the pup leaves without their organs. It's mutilation to do that at 7 to 8 weeks of age just so they don't have to worry about someone else breeding their dogs. It shows their lack of self confidence and greed. It's commercial mixed-breeding at it's worst.

They aren't a breed and if AKC recognized them I would boycott AKC (or any other agency) in any way I could.

Re: Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

As I said to a friend who was interested in getting one and who I refused to help in their search for one:

"Fuzzy and cute is not a breed standard."

Re: Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

Anyone who thinks any "doodle" will be AKC registered is as gullible as the idiots who are purchasing them. Who in their right mind spends that kind of money on a mixed breed dog when there are 800 dogs an hour, times 24 hours in a day, in the United States (alone) being euthanized (whether humanely or not). Paying that kind of money for a mixed breed dog is like paying $10,000 for a cubic zirconia (sp?) just because it's set in 14K. As the saying goes, "there's a sucker born everyday".

Re: Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

As I said to a friend who was interested in getting one and who I refused to help in their search for one:

"Fuzzy and cute is not a breed standard."


Check this garbage out.

This is true, they are using cockers to size them down. So how can they be AKC recognized? It will never happen.
Petite Labradoodle

Labrador Retriever / Toy or Miniature Poodle / Cocker Spaniel Hybrid

The Petite Labradoodle is not a purebred dog. It is a cross between the Labrador Retriever, Poodle; a Toy, Miniature or a small Standard Poodle and the Cocker Spaniel. Breeders are producing a much smaller Labradoodle (Petite Labradoodle) by first downsizing the adult, breeding female Labrador Retriever. Breeders accomplish this by crossing the Labrador Retriever with a Cocker Spaniel. The puppies that come from this cross-breeding are called Spanadors. The Spanador is bred with a Miniature, Toy or small Standard Poodle (either by natural breeding or surgical / artificial insemination). The Petite Labradoodle puppies are ½ poodle, ¼ Labrador Retriever, ¼ cocker. The Petite Labradoodles will be smaller dogs when grown because of the downsizing of the mother dog. The goal for the adult weight for most breeders is 15 to 25 lbs. Said to be the Australian Blend of downsizing them. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in any of the breeds. Not all of these designer hybrid dogs being bred are 50% purebred to 50% purebred. It is very common for breeders to breed multi-generation crosses.

Re: Labradoodles....AKC recognized breed?

Troll alert!