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Poop eating after a litter

I finally have a bitch that isn't a poop eater and I'm about to breed her. Should I worry that she will start eating poop in the yard after she has her litter? Anyone have a bitch that didn't eat poop after a litter? TIA

Re: Poop eating after a litter

We have had bitches that ate poop after a litter and a pup we kept that could not be bred. Her mother was not a poop eater but she is.

I have another girl that does eat poop (had a litter). Her daughter has had a litter and has never eaten poop.

Pick it up as it hits the ground. break the habit and it usually does the trick. No matter how long the habbit has been there. In my experience.

Good luck.....

Re: Poop eating after a litter

How a puppy is raised and what it's fed can influence that kind of behavior but what about the non-poop eating post whelp bitch. Did having a litter cause your non-poop eating bitch to start eating poop? Anyone?

Re: Poop eating after a litter

Poop-pie, I had a non poop eating bitch who had a litter and has been a poop eater ever since. Ugh. Before her litter, my girl never even looked at a poop - after her litter, she is a die-hard, dedicated poop eater. I have tried For-bid, pineapple, and other remedies, but nothing has deterred her so far. I do pick up poop asap but since I have multiple dogs sometimes my poop eater gets there before I do. Ick.

Re: Poop eating after a litter

There's probably a 50-50 chance. Some do, some don't and yes I've had it all ways. There are actually 4 scenarios.

She could never whelp a litter and become a poop eater too. I don't think there is any way to know. Some girls wait until their last litter to start, some do it before a litter and some never do. Some poop eaters have whelped, some haven't.

It's a crap shoot as Labs seem to be prone to eating stool. Why? Anyone know?

You can try to grab it before they do but if you have more than a few dogs and a kennel, it's hard to accomplish.

Re: Poop eating after a litter

Like Susan, I've had girls who never ate it before, begin to after they're in the poop eating mode of being a good mom.

When I wean them, I try to keep them in the house with me for a while, rather than putting them right back in the kennel, and clean up immediately. It does seem to help, if you keep them in several weeks and do that, they seem to "forget". Good luck!