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Anyone use Ponazuril for Coccidia? Where do you get it and what is the dosage? I understand you need a prescription, but is there an on line pharmacy that one can recommend purchasing from? Thanks in advance. Also, anyone ever have healthy adults with symptoms from Coccidia?

Re: coccidia/ponazuril

Road Runner Pharmacy

The strength my vet uses is 90 mg/ml, dosage is 0.1 ml/lb for 2 days. Contact your vet for his/her preferences.

Re: coccidia/ponazuril

I use it all the time as a preventative with pups. I give two days in a row at 5 weeks.

Re: coccidia/ponazuril

Found this great information from an animal shelter organization. They are suggesting you mix the horse Marquis Paste, one to one with water. Another site suggests one part paste with about 2 parts water. Maybe our vets on this forum can give us the correct dosage:

Ponazuril (Marquis Paste®) – This product, made by Bayer, is labeled for use in horses, so it must be carefully diluted. Concentration of the paste is 15% [150mg/gram]. It can be mixed with water, VAL syrup, Lixotinic, an probably other liquids. The simplest way to dilute it is to combine equal volumes paste & water (50:50) to give a concentration of 75mg/ml. See veterinarian log-in section on this website for dosages. The drug is expensive ($125 per tube) but after dilution the cost per dose is only about 25-50 cents. Shelters have used it in very young animals (2 weeks of age, less than 1 lb), and report great success. Prophylactic treatment of all puppies & kittens is recommended for shelters in which Coccidia is common.

Re: coccidia/ponazuril

Breeder Also
I use it all the time as a preventative with pups. I give two days in a row at 5 weeks.

I am ordering the paste Marquis 127 gram today ($200), but my vet doesn't use this or know the dosage-they use Albon. I know it is expensive but that's okay, love that it is two days and kills the Coccidia, instead of inhibiting reproduction. I did see the site where it discusses mixing with water 50/50, but need dosage there too. Thanks for your help, and any additional info..

Re: coccidia/ponazuril

Breeder Also
I use it all the time as a preventative with pups. I give two days in a row at 5 weeks.

I am ordering the paste Marquis 127 gram today ($200), but my vet doesn't use this or know the dosage-they use Albon. I know it is expensive but that's okay, love that it is two days and kills the Coccidia, instead of inhibiting reproduction. I did see the site where it discusses mixing with water 50/50, but need dosage there too. Thanks for your help, and any additional info..

I suggest you skip the Marquis. The reason being Ponazuril is the active ingredient in Marquis, it's much harder to mix and dispense. Ponazuril can be purchased directly from Road Runner Pharmacy. Your vet simply calls in the order, they will call you for payment and confirmation of address, I use "beef" flavor and it's very very easy to give. Puppies love it, it's safe for all ages of puppies, bitches in whelp, new borns, anyone. The dose is the same for an adult or puppy, .1 per pound!!

I use it 2 days in a row and sometimes I will even do 2 days in a row for 2 weeks, it's that safe. MUCH more convenient then Marquis and less expensive. I usually order a 250 MG bottle which can do my dogs and litter. You can keep it in the fridge for 90 days but the pharmacist will say it's actually good past the experation date.

Really much easier then Marquis.

Re: coccidia/ponazuril

Thanks, I appreciate the responses, I will have my vet call RoadRunner and go that route, sounds like the best idea. THANKS!

Re: coccidia/ponazuril

The product Ponazuril , is it a better alternative than using albon with the puppies? I sometimes will have an issue about 4 -6 wks of age with my litter.
I normally might consider putting the puppies then at 5 wks on a low dose maintenance on albon liquid for 2 wks to prevent it from showing up.
I have even used soemthing called kocciguard.From revival, but Im not so sure it did much for me as i think that yr, we had an issue with giardia /

Re: coccidia/ponazuril

The product Ponazuril , is it a better alternative than using albon with the puppies? I sometimes will have an issue about 4 -6 wks of age with my litter.
I normally might consider putting the puppies then at 5 wks on a low dose maintenance on albon liquid for 2 wks to prevent it from showing up.
I have even used soemthing called kocciguard.From revival, but Im not so sure it did much for me as i think that yr, we had an issue with giardia /

Some info for you through the link below.