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Hi everyone!

I'd like to hear your experience on what protocol you use for starting your dogs on treadmills.
I just bought one a couple of weeks ago and my adult girls seem to accept it nicely, though I've had a little more difficulty with the younger ones. Seems to me the temperament interferes significantly.

First week I tried 15 min sessions, then second week went on to 25 min. To what extent do you work your dogs on treadmills? thank you all in advance. Christiano Amorim.

Re: treadmill

I do 20-30 minutes depending on the dog. We make it fun with clapping, have made up silly songs, a treat every once in all I say now is "treadmill time, who's first?" and they all race to be the first one on. Oh, and btw, I only have them on a nice easy gait, I don't push them.

Re: treadmill

Do you use a treadmill made for humans? Or do you have a jog a dog?

I have a treadmill - and would like to use it for my dogs but don't know if it needs to be longer.

Re: treadmill

I have a treadmill, but the dog I'd like to use it with is a wus. He doesn't even want to stand on it and I haven't even turned it on. Well, I do turn it on and have used it myself. Is there some procedure I can follow to get this boy over his fear?

Re: treadmill

Get on the treadmill with the dog between your legs and have someone hold the leash away from the dog/you and then when that's not a big deal (lots of treats!), turn the machine on with both of you still on it and start slowly walking with him - again lots of treats. Go slowly and as he becomes more comfortable, walk off the treadmill quietly and then continue the session with treats & praise. Took a while but was worth it with my scardy cat dog!

Re: treadmill

A word of caution using a Human Treadmill. Often their short length serves to teach the dog to shorten his stride. Once that muscle memory sets in, you then have a dog who doesn't naturally "reach" when moving. For this reason, I would recommend Dog treadmills only.

Re: treadmill

Good point. Many of the newer treadmills (especially those than incline) are longer so it's not a problem.