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Can anyone tell me if deafness is a hereditary problem with labradors?

Report: buyer has 2 labs from me. He said the 5 year old is deaf. The other lab is 2, and the buyer said he is also going deaf. Both of these labs have the same mother, but different fathers.

What can cause this? What is the solution? How can one pre-screen for breeding to avoid this problem?

The sire & dam are well bred dogs from famous top bloodlines

Re: deafness??

Dogs that are allowed to ride in the back of pick up trucks or with their heads constantly out the window can go deaf over time.

Wondering how these people travel with their dogs.

Ear infections that go untreated can also cause deafness.

No idea of a hereditary connection

Re: deafness??

There are tests one can do as some breeds are disposed to deafness such as Dals.

Re: deafness??

Are these dogs hunted over? I have heard of this happening in some hunting retrievers who have had a lot of shooting done over their heads ( instead of placing dog behind and to the side).

Also if they have had numerous ear infections or trouble in that regard over the years? Infections bad enough could possibly damage the ear drum.

Re: deafness??

It is the BAER test; info can be found on the OFA website.