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adding to bitch's diet

Does anyone add anything else to a bitch's diet once they have confirmed pregnancy? I have her on a 26/14 percent dog food. Do you increase the food? Give chicken, yogurt, ice cream. I onced fostered a mutt for the shelter that was two weeks from giving birth. They had me give her 4 cups of food a day plus chicken/cooked rice and yogurt/egg. But then again she was very under weight when shelter got her. She ended up giving her birth to 11 healthy puppies. I am doing this whelping for a friend that has a major health crisis. Just want to do whats best for her and the babies. TIA

Re: adding to bitch's diet

We don't up food or add goodies until week 7. All the books and articles you read say that a healthy and fit bitch that is not overweight will whelp better. The whelps don't start growing until week 7, and then mom will need extra calories to sustain them and herself.

Re: adding to bitch's diet

Don't give extra calcium until she whelps. It can lead to risk of eclampsia.

Re: adding to bitch's diet

thanks for the help

Re: adding to bitch's diet

Hi...I don't read books or articles on whelping...36 years of trial and error. I was taught years ago by Dr. Autum Davidison and she was taught by Dr. Ed Feldmen Top endocrinologist, he wrote the text in this field that most vet schools use; once the bitch comes in season increase the food by 20% then two weeks after mating drop to 15%. Therefore their bodies think it's a time of feast NOT fammine. I personally put them on puppy food once they come in season, if they are not on a doggie Multi-vit I put them on two a day. Shortly after breeding I start them on HARD BOILED EGGS, one every few days and increase as time goes on to ONE A DAY and if they are having a LARGE litter 2 a DAY. I do peel the eggs. I know I will get "yelled at" by some but at the 45 day mark I put them on PET CAL, 2 a day no matter their size. I ONLY time I have had eclampsia is when I did not give the Pet Cal. I wean them off the Pet Cal when I wean the puppies. I have VERY FEW C-SECTIONS, and Lord forgive me for saying so, I have never had a "ruptered uterus" or torsion. Hope this look at the results you had from you "shelter litter."

Re: adding to bitch's diet

Nancy Boyle
Don't give extra calcium until she whelps. It can lead to risk of eclampsia.

It's rare I agree with you Nancy but I also don't ever give calcium until after the last pup is delivered. I never saw eclampsia but I just don't believe in calcium before all pups are whelped for multiple reasons. If someone gives calcium before, give natural..... like in yogurt, not medicinal or Tums. jmho.