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room temp for pups

I have a litter that is 8 days is starting to get very hot here (high 80's going into the 90's)
Can someone tell me what temp the room should stay at for this age...I don't have the AC on but for Fathers day on Sunday I think it will be too hot for my parents.
They are in my family room and it is central air-right now it is 77 in the house-pups are not complaining.

Re: room temp for pups

I would think that with a room that hot, mom would be uncomfortable. I never changed my thermostat, at 73 the whole time. Of course, I do herpes titers beforehand and have (knock on wood) never needed to go any higher. I find any warmer, and mom avoids getting in the box. If you're hot, put your a/c on. If its humid, put it on anyways. I've never met a momma dog who appreciates humidity.

Re: room temp for pups

A good rule of thumb is to watch the pups. If they clump together, they are cold. If they lay apart, they are warm. If it's too warm, they fuss. As long as they aren't in a drafty part of the house or have the AC vent ON them, turn it on. It it starts seeming cool for them, use a sheet over the box to stop drafts or put a sweater for them to cuddle in.

Last litter we had was a winter litter and we keep the house on 70 which seems like it could be cold for the pups. We had a heat lamp on, NO ONE would go under it. The house and box were comfortable, pups cuddled with each other and mom, and all were good. We had a few on their own which made me believe they were warm enough.

Re: room temp for pups

I have a litter of 6 day old pups who are crying because they are too hot. It's about 80 here and humid. There is no heat light on for the puppies. I put a stainless steel cookie sheet in the corner of the box,as I lay each fussing pup on it they quiet right down. I've done this in the past and it's worked well. I worry b/c it's slippery for them and I don't want them on there for a long time so after they drift off to sleep I move them off.

Re: room temp for pups

Nothing works better than a fan.

Re: room temp for pups

2-liter bottles filled with water (3/4 full) and frozen - wrapped with a towel - put in with puppies and see them gravitate towards laying next to and/or on the cold bottle. Have 2 of them so one is always in the freezer.

Re: room temp for pups

1st week: 72-73
2nd week and on: 68-70.

Re: room temp for pups

I have a litter that is 8 days is starting to get very hot here (high 80's going into the 90's)
Can someone tell me what temp the room should stay at for this age...I don't have the AC on but for Fathers day on Sunday I think it will be too hot for my parents.
They are in my family room and it is central air-right now it is 77 in the house-pups are not complaining.

Don't fix what's not broken. If the pups aren't complaining, leave it be. If they're too warm, they'll whine, if they're too cool they will huddle as someone said.

They sound comfortable the way they are.

For Father's Day, move the whelping box to another zone and don't use the AC there.

Re: room temp for pups

another idea
I have a litter of 6 day old pups who are crying because they are too hot. It's about 80 here and humid. There is no heat light on for the puppies. I put a stainless steel cookie sheet in the corner of the box,as I lay each fussing pup on it they quiet right down. I've done this in the past and it's worked well. I worry b/c it's slippery for them and I don't want them on there for a long time so after they drift off to sleep I move them off.

Wet towels, ring them out and store in the fridge. When pups are fussy just lay a towel or two in the box. They flock right to them and go to sleep.

The frozen water bottles are great too.

Re: room temp for pups

Yes, whoever told you to use the wet towels is correct.

I have puppies that have very thick coats, so they are crying in any warm temp. I keep a load of handtowels at the ready............soak them in cold water, wring them out and lay them down around the pen. They will all go to them to sleep and you will have a very quiet bunch!!! Enjoy!

Re: room temp for pups

we keep the house around 75 and if the pups are hot I also use the wet towel method, works great