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paralyzed dog w/FCE need more info

Unfortunately things do not look good for this poor boy. He's been transferred to the University of Georgia, where they confirmed FCE (by MRI) and said it was an extremely severe case, with the clot affecting 3 vertebrae. At this time he is completely paralyzed and they're not giving the owners much hope. They are going to give him until Wednesday to see if there's any improvement. He's not in pain and so far not's such a heartbreaking situation, they adore this sweet boy, if he lives he'll be 6 in August.

I guess I'm wondering if anyone has had a dog that has experienced this condition, where the dog is completely paralyzed, make enough of a recovery to have quality of life.

Thanks again to all who have shared their experiences....Donna

Re: paralyzed dog w/FCE need more info

I am so sorry for Jane and Guinness. I was hoping things would turn around for him.

When my girl had her FCE there was one women that contacted me who's dog had involvement from the neck down(all 4 limbs affected) and it did take some time but he did recover, it was a bit more strenuous for recovery due to all the lifting.

After 2 weeks for us we went to the Rehab center and I was told that the amount of Range of Motion that I did made a huge difference.
Perhaps if they talked to her about it they may have a better idea of what is involved in her case, it is River Meadow in Windsor ,

Re: paralyzed dog w/FCE need more info

Donna, so sorry to hear this update.

I pray they can save this sweet boy.