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I know this is a lab forum sight but I have a question is regards to a cat. Has any one had a cat that has had a stroke? If so do they ever bounce back? What should I expect if I don't put him down? This probably all started with a adverse reaction to a rabies vaccine.

Re: stroke

I know this is a lab forum sight but I have a question is regards to a cat. Has any one had a cat that has had a stroke? If so do they ever bounce back? What should I expect if I don't put him down? This probably all started with a adverse reaction to a rabies vaccine.

I don't own cats. My family that does has never heard of a stroke in cats. Is it an older cat?

You might want to give him time to recover if it was caused by a vaccine reaction. Maybe he didn't have a stroke?

I wish I had more information. I hope he recovers.

Re: stroke

Has your cat been to the vet? I had a Lab have a stroke many eons ago, and they put him on prednisone for a very short time afterward, to limit the swelling and inflammation in his brain. I believe it was instrumental in his recovery. In the end, other than a head tilt, he did fine, was 12 at the time of the stroke and lived another 1.5 years. Good luck.

Re: stroke

A more common thing to happen to a cat would be a thrombus, or embolism. It's been a day, how is your cat? It would be very important in any case to have the cat seen by a vet asap.

Re: stroke

Thanks for all your replies. The cat has been at the vet since Friday, the stroke happened while at the vet. Before all this he went to the vet because he was not eating for several days. He had a rabies vacine 6/8 so maybe a reaction to that. The vet said he had a heart murmur also. They gave him a steriod for swelling & antibiotics in case he had a infeciton this was yesterday. Thinking to take him home set him up like in some x pens to keep control of the sitution.

Re: stroke

Thanks for all your replies. The cat has been at the vet since Friday, the stroke happened while at the vet. Before all this he went to the vet because he was not eating for several days. He had a rabies vacine 6/8 so maybe a reaction to that. The vet said he had a heart murmur also. They gave him a steriod for swelling & antibiotics in case he had a infeciton this was yesterday. Thinking to take him home set him up like in some x pens to keep control of the sitution.

Is there any chance the murmur is significant of cardiomyopathy which seems to be prevalent in cats? I know of several people that lost their cats to it quite suddenly. Might the current symptoms have anything to do with the heart? I would ask your vet.

I'm not a cat person but most everyone I know is. There are too many cat allergic in my home to have cats as pet.

Re: stroke

If the cat has a pre-existing cardiac problem it can predispose them to throwing clots. Fairly common for a cat to throw a clot and become paralyzed in the hind quarters.

Re: stroke

I hate all these different vets you get with er care nothing is consistant. The vet that started him on a antibiotics yesterday didn't feel it was a stroke but a infection that outdoor cats can get from eating rodents. So the word tonight is he's had two doses of med's, he's no longer pacing his cage, pupils look normal, he ate food but still not a happy camper biting people. So we will see if there's more improvment Monday am.

Re: stroke

Kittie has come home, pretty much back to his old self! Will continue antibiotic for 10 days. Still don't know what happend but im glad he's alive!

Re: stroke

I hate all these different vets you get with er care nothing is consistant. The vet that started him on a antibiotics yesterday didn't feel it was a stroke but a infection that outdoor cats can get from eating rodents. So the word tonight is he's had two doses of med's, he's no longer pacing his cage, pupils look normal, he ate food but still not a happy camper biting people. So we will see if there's more improvment Monday am.

If the vet is thinking toxoplasmosis, I would get him titered ASAP as it is a significant zoonotic hazard.